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Gone for this too.

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Gone for this too. 16/03/2014 at 07:32 #57086
476 posts
Hi all, bought Wolves yesterday. Fantastic 'pocket' sim for one player and good for a break from New St. Thanks again to all concerned for yet more West Mids memories.

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Gone for this too. 16/03/2014 at 08:27 #57087
Sidestick Priority
39 posts
I agree.

I were surprised by how busy Wolves is given the somewhat compact area - there's plenty of regulating to be done with the various lines joining. I read there's a late 80's TT being compiled which will no doubt be both challenging and entertaining.

The 'loco hauled era' was a bit before my time unfortunately and as such I have little comprehension of the activity back then, but I can imagine that with the industrial importance the region played it would have been quite the bottleneck at times.
Would there have been any loco changes for the Wales and border services at Wolverhampton, or would they just carry on through to Birmingham/Crewe at the time?

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Gone for this too. 16/03/2014 at 09:27 #57090
476 posts
Hi, yes I'd forgotten just how busy the area was (and probably still is). I know the area well from my time at New St from '89 to 2001. As I recall, the main loco changes would have been on the Eustons which started at Shrewsbury behind a Class 47, changing to an electric at Wolves, and the reverse in the opposite direction. I loved the loco-hauled era, especially at New St, and would love to run a TT based in the 90s, which I understand may be in the offing.

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The following user said thank you: Sidestick Priority
Gone for this too. 16/03/2014 at 10:49 #57097
2655 posts
Well Mal, I've got 6 station working books for New Street:-
October, 1987 - May, 1988
May, 1988 - October, 1988
October, 1988 to May, 1989
July. 1989 - September, 1989 (Re-issued edition)
Summer Saturdays May - September, 1990
Summer May, 1990 - September, 1990 weekdays.
No doubt in the fullness of time all of these station working books will be converted into timetables. The reason the first one I'm doing is May - October 1988 is because I also have the Coventry station working book for the same period & also the Northampton station working book for the same period if that area gets developed as a sim, with Rugby in between. I started writing Coventry yesterday as that shouldn't take too long as some cross country services change locos at Coventry. New Street is the complicated one & will take the longest due to the amount of trains dividing & joining as well as traction changes.Once I've entered the passenger & parcels traffic then I add the freight. I spoke to one of my Bescot drivers yesterday to confirm MGR trains from Three Spires ran via Coventry & what traffic went into & out of Coventry yard during the late 1980s, which was predominantly ballast traffic only. I'll be working on this timetable today & during the evenings in the week(apart from when testing another tinmetable I've written for another sim). Yes I'm more into the 1980s & early 1990s as that was my era & its far more challenging as there is more shunting as there is today. Also during 1988 the newspaper trains were still running, so thats an added variety. There will be a requirement in due course for other SimSIg users to test this timetable when completed along with New Street & Wolverhampton & even Stafford(eventually). I also have matching station working books for Crewe so when that gets done could be a possibility for a chain from Coventry all the way through to Crewe(wishful thinking :cheer: )

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The following user said thank you: delticfan
Gone for this too. 16/03/2014 at 11:07 #57099
476 posts
Wow! I reckon I looked in the wrong places when I was hunting for working books. You probably had more contacts than I had.
That period was certainly busier what with re-engine and engine changes at New St, I remember it well. I'm running Wolves at the mo. Just on the easy setting to get the feel, but as the TT progresses i see interesting regulation probs looming. Can just imagine what happens when you put delays in! I did start New St and that is an education. It's easier when you're only looking after a pair of platforms, you don't see the overall picture of potential chaos! Interesting Simsigging times ahead!


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Gone for this too. 16/03/2014 at 11:27 #57103
2655 posts
Mal you can buy station working books on e-bay, which is where I got most of mine from. However you've got to be prepared to pay quite a high price for some. It all depends on the location & the year the books covers. The weekday 1990 summer timetable book cost £60+, whereas the 1980s station working books I paid around £40-£45 each for them. It's fairly hit & miss & some station working books go for much more. Recently I was bidding for a pair of Paddington station working books for the 1987-1988 period & I was out-bidded at £240, on the other hand the Crewe summer 1988 book cost less than £10. It all depends on who else is interested in the item being sold. I bought the summer Saturday New Street station working book for £10,a few years ago, the same book appear on e-bay about 5 months ago & the winning bids was nearer £30. When you speak to ex railway staff at the time these books were in use they were everywhere, my mate used to use station working books as something to put his cup of tea on & then throw them away as there were boxes of them. Nowadays you having to pay £40-odd to get one on e-bay. Hind sight is a wonderful thing if only we kept some back in the days of BR.
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Gone for this too. 16/03/2014 at 20:16 #57158
476 posts
Hi all, well I'm getting into Wolverhampton. Got to 04:45 and things starting to liven up. I do find I keep getting caught out and forgetting about the crossing at Noose Lane as it's the only one needing action.

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Gone for this too. 10/04/2014 at 19:47 #58658
476 posts
Running this at the mo. Just a query - by no means a complaint - I notice that the TDs for the 1Bxx Eustons off P2 don't step up. Interposing the TD at Sig 259 seems to solve it. As I say, just an observation.

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Gone for this too. 10/04/2014 at 20:31 #58659
148 posts
Looking back at your post about forgetting the level crossing Heres a little tip. In the attached picture it shows how I set up my screen, using the trainlist and simplifier, its a simple idea but quite effective in helping me see whats due at certain points, and fits nice and snug so it can always be displayed.


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The following user said thank you: delticfan
Gone for this too. 11/04/2014 at 20:12 #58725
476 posts
Hi Rich, thanks for the tip. Never seen the trainlist dislayed like that, also, where has the simplifier come from? Can't see it on the menu options anywhere. How do you get them set up at the bottom of the screen? Sorry for the probably daft questions.

Last edited: 11/04/2014 at 20:16 by delticfan
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