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Enlarge Overview with a lens magnifier

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Enlarge Overview with a lens magnifier 12/04/2014 at 09:15 #58743
1637 posts
Screen magnifiers come in two types, full screen magnifiers and lens magnifiers. The latter are small windows which magnify part of the screen.

The Overview window is great for single-screen players but often just that bit too small to make out details easily. Windows 7 Magnifier, like many other Windows accessories, is underfeatured and I find it difficult to use, so I thought I'd try out some others. Most were equally disappointing but I finally settled on Ed Halley's Dragnifier ("Quick Dragging Magnifier"). Donationware. If you have another favourite, please post details here.

What I like about Dragnifier is that it is very easy to summon and release. The settings that work best for Overview seem to be: check Show a lens and select #2 (Small Lens), Magnify at 2x, check Hide regular mouse cursor. This will give you a small fixed-size frame with a green border that follows your mouse:

Two trains are marked with yellow arrows. You can opt for a larger window by selecting other lenses. You can dispense with the green frame by unchecking Show a lens, with this result:

To release, simply left-click or right-click and it's gone.

Just another idea, not for everyone but makes it easier to identify trains and I find it becomes more useful with time.

Last edited: 12/04/2014 at 09:37 by maxand
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