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Simsig Loader

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Simsig Loader 22/04/2014 at 21:07 #59342
2158 posts
In Windows 8.1, what is the correct way to delete the Loader files and reinstall them? I am also having problems with the User Account Controls!

Should I delete everything related to Simsig and start from scratch?

My problem occurred after I loaded the last Sims update.

Frustrated, Barry

Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Simsig Loader 22/04/2014 at 21:16 #59343
771 posts
Doesn't matter what version of Windows you have, if you've used an installer to install the files then you should use it's uninstaller to remove them rather than just delete them. Otherwise you risk leaving behind settings and files that the installer put else on the PC such as in the registry.

Just exactly what issue are you having? And where are the sims installed now?

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Simsig Loader 22/04/2014 at 21:53 #59349
2158 posts
" said:
Doesn't matter what version of Windows you have, if you've used an installer to install the files then you should use it's uninstaller to remove them rather than just delete them. Otherwise you risk leaving behind settings and files that the installer put else on the PC such as in the registry.

Just exactly what issue are you having? And where are the sims installed now?
Hello Chris,
From a previous post: Since the last Sims upgrade, I have found that my loader locks up when I select "Choose" in "Load a previous saved sim". Everything else appears to be working Ok. Running loader V4.0.28, in Win 8.1 Bit 64. I find there is no problem using XP!
Bit 32 problem? Any clues?


Edit: Further testing found that saving a snapshot locks up the entire program.

The sims are installed as per Installer

Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 02:16 #59362
219 posts
I installed the new system files and restarted but the loader states that
the system files need installing.
I am using XP SP2.

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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 02:22 #59363
6325 posts
When you click "Choose" it pops up a standard Windows file selection dialog. Since you mention UAC problems I would look to fix those issues first.

Uboat, that is a really old version of Windows, not even SP3?

SimSig Boss
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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 02:36 #59364
2158 posts
" said:
When you click "Choose" it pops up a standard Windows file selection dialog. Since you mention UAC problems I would look to fix those issues first.

I did a restore and it fixed the User Account Controls.
When I click "choose", nothing pops up!


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 04:48 #59366
6325 posts
" said:
" said:
When you click "Choose" it pops up a standard Windows file selection dialog. Since you mention UAC problems I would look to fix those issues first.

I did a restore and it fixed the User Account Controls.
When I click "choose", nothing pops up!

Have a look at the Folder Options in the Loader. By default "[CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS]\SimSig" should be ticked. If not, tick it. Then ensure that the sims really did install in the public documents folders.

SimSig Boss
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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 06:16 #59368
2158 posts
BUMMER! I am going to bury my head in the sand!
There were no problems with the Loader or the computer. Just the Operator.

Geoff, sorry if I may have caused concern. Thanks for the help. Next time I will try and remember to turn on that extra switch!


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 08:00 #59372
219 posts
never had a problem before.
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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 15:48 #59405
771 posts
" said:
I installed the new system files and restarted but the loader states that
the system files need installing.
I am using XP SP2.
Blimey...Windows XP SP2 is not just REALLY old, it's ancient!

FYI, it stopped being supported by Microsoft back in 2009. That means Microsoft stopped producing any patches for it including, and most importantly, security patches. As a result, if that machine is connected to the internet, it is at an ever increasing risk of becoming compromised due to uncorrected security issues. I would strongly recommend upgrading it to at least SP3. Even then, be aware that support for XP as a whole ceased in it's entirety two weeks ago so ANY version of XP regardless of which service pack it's running on, is now at that same ever increasing risk so a even better option would be to go for Windows 7.

Further, as Windows 7 shares some of it's code base with XP, it's been discussed that future Windows 7 patches could be reverse engineered to find the same vulnerability in the XP code. As the XP code won't be updated or patched, this means XP systems will become more and more vulnerable as time goes on.

Anyway, back to your issue....

SimSig should work on XP SP2 and people have had similar issues to this, maybe not with your OS but the same symptoms. I am pretty sure a search of the forum will find similar instances of this happening so I'd suggest looking at what others did to fix their machines and trying those fixes on your system.

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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 17:36 #59410
1461 posts
For reference, XP SP2 is almost as old now as Windows 3.11 was when Service Pack 2 was released. You'd get some very, very funny looks if you were still running Windows 3.11 in 2004...
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The following user said thank you: Sacro
Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 17:55 #59411
251 posts
" said:
For reference, XP SP2 is almost as old now as Windows 3.11 was when Service Pack 2 was released. You'd get some very, very funny looks if you were still running Windows 3.11 in 2004...

Back in 1999 there was a network I used where most of the PCs were still running Windows 3.11 and quite a few people have thought it was strange that Windows 3.11 was still used even then.

Last edited: 23/04/2014 at 17:56 by Zoe
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Simsig Loader 23/04/2014 at 20:08 #59422
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
My mother has my old Amstrad 486 with a very early version of Windows still working on it; and a mad sheep that keeps running around the screen.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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