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Train List menu to include Show Timetable

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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 20/07/2014 at 09:09 #62911
1637 posts
Not a big ask, but at times it would be handy to Show Timetable for a particular train, rather than Edit Timetable, which is not always required.

If there were a way to jump from the Train List to focus on the selected train on the panel it would be ideal, but as the next best thing, displaying the remaining timetable for a train does help to localize it when the territory is unfamiliar. What do others think of this suggestion?

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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 20/07/2014 at 11:06 #62919
315 posts

I appreciate what it is you're asking for, but the Train List should not be used by the signaller, it should be used in times of emergency for as you have quite rightly pointed out, editing the timetable, I will add that you don't necessarily have to do any edits at all, you can just click on the X and close it.,

You also need to take time to learn each panel - make notes, read the manuals, download the signalling diagrams and have those present, Sit and observe Multiplayer sessions, ask questions in the shout box about locations etc.

There's then also the Simplifier, which is what the timetable viewer/editor does. but focusing on one area and in broken down detail.

In principle your idea is a good one, in reality it exists already without the need for any change.

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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 20/07/2014 at 11:20 #62922
452 posts
" said:
You also need to take time to learn each panel - make notes, read the manuals, download the signalling diagrams and have those present, Sit and observe Multiplayer sessions, ask questions in the shout box about locations etc.
My bold. You can't just approach something like SimSig as a beginner and expect to master it without any effort. One of the ways in which the simulations are similar to real life is the need to learn the geography of the whole area - where all the different stations, junctions, sidings etc are, and how it fits into the wider network (eg. how do you get to London from Exeter?) This goes without saying for even those of us who are experienced and/or are already familiar with the area. Even though IRL I know the likes of Trent and Edinburgh really well, I still need to familiarise myself with the panel layout first. If the location is unfamiliar then take the time and effort to make sure it is!

Therefore then you can look on F2 at a train and know where it is, then click on the panel TD. F2 -> edit timetable also shows you the same information. Your second request then is unnecessary and lazy really.

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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 20/07/2014 at 11:30 #62923
Stephen Fulcher
2070 posts
It does actually seem a sensible idea. There are certainly as many reasons for including such a feature as there are arguments for not including it.

I have added it to the wish list for you #11163.

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The following users said thank you: CABOOSEMAN, Splodge, maxand, Temple Meads
Train List menu to include Show Timetable 20/07/2014 at 15:04 #62932
1637 posts
To welshdragon and peterb:

Thanks for your advice about taking time to learn each sim properly, etc. I already do this now in most of the sims I play. In the sims I know really well, I know where all the important locations are, yet I still find it useful to be able to display a train's remaining timetable from the Train List without having to hunt for the train on the panel, then click it to show the timetable.

I don't always need to see the train on the panel when I wish to view its timetable.

To put it another way, my request really has little to do with whether I know the sim well or not; it's just an added convenience which I think other members would appreciate too.

Your comments made me realize I have three playing modes.

The first is where I know the sim and the timetable so well that I pride myself on not needing to access the train list at all.

The second is where I use the Train List as a de facto means of issuing "unusual" orders, either by direct commands to the driver, or by editing the timetable, which in effect changes the driver's orders.

The third is where I am unsure of what's happening, as in trying out a new sim or timetable for the first time, encountering the usual swag of confusions and wondering whether to blame the sim developer, the timetable writer or myself. This is where saving time by jumping from Train List to Show Timetable would really help.

Last edited: 20/07/2014 at 15:05 by maxand
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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 20/07/2014 at 19:45 #62951
452 posts
" said:
displaying the remaining timetable for a train does help to localize it when the territory is unfamiliar.
" said:
I know where all the important locations are, yet I still find it useful to be able to display a train's remaining timetable from the Train List without having to hunt for the train on the panel, then click it to show the timetable.
" said:
To put it another way, my request really has little to do with whether I know the sim well or not
If i'm honest I'm a little confused regarding your logic. Is it about your geographical unfamiliarity? Would it help? Would it not?

Regarding the suggestion, 'Edit Timetable' on F2 displays the timetable, amongst other things, the bold location being it's current location. 'Edit Timetable' is in a sense 'Show Timetable'. So what's the problem? Why have two requests, virtually identical on the same menu?

Also, F2 already displays a train's current location without the need for a timetable. If you know where all important locations are then locating a train using this information shouldn't be a problem.

In conclusion, I think it can be about how well you know an area. But I think there is also value in constantly skimming the whole panel area and memorising where a train is by its headcode, at a slower speed if necessary.

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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 21/07/2014 at 12:30 #62961
1637 posts
peterb wrote:
'Edit Timetable' on F2 displays the timetable, amongst other things, the bold location being its current location (my emphasis). 'Edit Timetable' is in a sense 'Show Timetable'. So what's the problem? Why have two requests, virtually identical on the same menu?
Well, blow me down! I've been playing SimSig all this time and never noticed this. Why? Because (1) it is so difficult (on my screen, anyway) to tell normal from boldface with this particular Courier-style font that the developers might as well not have bothered, and (2) the two references (1, 2) to the Location List window in the Wiki contradict each other and neither mentions this feature - am I surprised? Updating is badly needed.

From the Wiki:Quote:
The Show Timetable window is a copy of the Timetable Editor's Location List window

It's only a partial copy.

Here's where 5A08 happens to be on the Exeter sim - travelling Up between DAINTON TUNNEL and NEWTON ABBOT:

The Train List displays its LAST location:

The Location List, similar to the Show Timetable window, boldfaces its NEXT location:

You could hardly say "NEWTON ABBOT" leaps out from the list at you. So, peterb, there is no "current location" here (unless the train happened to be at a timing point).

However, this does raise the possibility of an alternative solution.

When we see the phrase "Edit timetable", does it suggest editing the train characteristics? No. A timetable suggests a list of timing points, to be technical about it. So, instead of my original suggestion of adding Show Timetable to the Train List menu, why not retain Edit Timetable but make it open at the Location List tab instead of Train Details? Much more intuitive and probably easy to do.

Also, please replace Courier with an equivalent monospaced font that has a much more prominent boldface, or put the next location in italics, or bold+italic, or something...

(I'll see if I can get around to updating the Wiki's Location List entry)

Last edited: 21/07/2014 at 12:39 by maxand
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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 21/07/2014 at 13:11 #62966
3973 posts
" said:

From the Wiki:Quote:
The Show Timetable window is a copy of the Timetable Editor's Location List window

It's only a partial copy.
Only yourself to blame there- I see from the version history it was you who wrote that. I'd also add that it is a complete copy when the train is at it's origin, and (as you know) gets shorter as the train passes each location, the information being redundant.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Train List menu to include Show Timetable 21/07/2014 at 13:28 #62967
1637 posts
i rote it wen i was mor iggorant than i is now
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