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loader 23/07/2014 at 16:09 #63066
254 posts
Microsoft Defender and Essentials no problems.
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loader 23/07/2014 at 16:18 #63067
707 posts
" said:
Well - those are all systems I've had people ask me about personally, as well as on the forum. If you lot want not to believe what you read, then so be it. I won't waste my time trying to help anymore then. It was requested that a list was made of software which can cause issues - I did that. Perhaps we should leave it those appointed officially to deal with these matters. It just worries me that if we did that, paying customers would not get as good service.

It upsets me greatly that people can't respect those trying to come up with suggestions, and/or those trying to help. There have been a few threads where supposed admins and moderators have been a little bit disproportionate on things (on both sides). Perhaps it's time for some consolidation.

Everyone here is adding useful contributions to the idea of creating an Anti-Virus vs SimSig "problem" list. And people can only do that from personal experience. So users have volunteered information about the AV product they use and if they have had issues with SimSig. At no point has anyone said "Daniel's post is wrong", so I have no idea where you have got that idea from.

And your post is what many users would consider a personal attack on those trying to help. Is your post something that should be moderated? Or would that be disproportionate?

Last edited: 23/07/2014 at 16:19 by mfcooper
Reason: re-wording and moving quote marks

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loader 23/07/2014 at 16:45 #63069
6325 posts
To put things into perspective, using the automatically recorded statistics from the website and self-reported issues, less than 1% of people have problems updating. What we need to do is work out why some people do have problems while others don't, even when using the same version of AV/AM software. If that takes a forum discussion and the results put into the Wiki then great, let's do it.

A couple of years ago I had problems with, I think, AVG when writing software. It would report that the software was unknown and potentially dangerous (even "Hello World"- well of course it's unknown, I just wrote it! Somehow I got around it but I don't recall how.

SimSig Boss
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loader 23/07/2014 at 17:09 #63073
1461 posts
" said:
Well - those are all systems I've had people ask me about personally, as well as on the forum. If you lot want not to believe what you read, then so be it. I won't waste my time trying to help anymore then. It was requested that a list was made of software which can cause issues - I did that. Perhaps we should leave it those appointed officially to deal with these matters. It just worries me that if we did that, paying customers would not get as good service.
You posted some anecdotal evidence about AV programs - why can't others reply with their evidence and experiences?

It seems a bit of a thankless task to try to list currently problematic AV programs, given that the parameters being used by them vary with every update, so for each one that starts being problematic, another will cease to be!

Last edited: 23/07/2014 at 17:12 by Danny252
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loader 23/07/2014 at 21:36 #63076
65 posts
" said:
" said:
" said:
I use AVG and have done for years. Had no problems with it when it came to .exe or the loader.
Same here
And here. Five years and not a problem. Would recommend to anyone, and already have done.
At the risk of being a 'me-too', I've been running SimSig with the paid version of AVG for what seems like half a life time with no problems at all


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loader 04/08/2014 at 11:44 #63507
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
This new approach to AV might help.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 04/08/2014 at 11:45 by Peter Bennet
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The following user said thank you: sloppyjag
loader 04/08/2014 at 13:45 #63508
480 posts
Proponents of the Korsakovian Method, of course, would only use one disk or memory stick - put the virus on the the disk/memory stick, delete it, fill it with 1's then replace them with zeros, repeat 100 times.
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