Managed to 'lose' 5F03

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Managed to 'lose' 5F03 02/08/2014 at 15:16 #63450
476 posts
Hi all, just bought Watford and having a first run through. Not started too well, I think I've 'lost' a train. 5F03 had entered at 05:18, through P9 and then to WJ2001/WJ2009. I found the signals, did the crossover, then set route towards P11. Train moved in the right direction and I clicked the grey arrow near WJ2002 and the train disappeared. It now keeps phoning saying 'at buffer stops' but not showing on panel. Horrible feeling it's ended up in Watford Yard.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Many thanks.

Last edited: 02/08/2014 at 15:20 by delticfan
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Managed to 'lose' 5F03 02/08/2014 at 16:06 #63453
480 posts
You need to operate the ground frame and set points for the branch.
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Managed to 'lose' 5F03 02/08/2014 at 19:47 #63464
476 posts
" said:
You need to operate the ground frame and set points for the branch.
Thanks for the reply sloppyjag, I reckon I'll have to read that bit in the manual, it looks a bit complicated.

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