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SimSig gameplay video

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SimSig gameplay video 15/09/2014 at 21:47 #64594
220 posts
There was demand by some people to see what others' SimSig sessions look like. I have therefore recorded a part of my game, South Humberside, which I hosted yesterday on MP to everybody's exhaustion (it is not that game, but my solo replay of the same save). Not that it is an epitome of good signaling (I caused a nasty ACOA that I repent solemnly), but otherwise it's pretty good and I dare say better than what you see on most multiplayer games.

This is the link to the video. There is no audio, but I could stitch up some captions if there's demand. Enjoy, and feel free to criticize.

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SimSig gameplay video 15/09/2014 at 22:23 #64597
718 posts
You know you can press "A" to answer the first phone call?
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SimSig gameplay video 16/09/2014 at 08:39 #64602
476 posts
Interesting video Finger. I don't have S Humberside at the mo, but should get it as I know the lines well from Grimsby to Lincoln and Donny. Extra work with having Scunthorpe closed, but adds a bit of spice. I like the way you have some of your menus arranged for easy reference, something else I'd not thought of doing. Good intro for anyone wondering how Simsig works. Nice one.


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SimSig gameplay video 16/09/2014 at 21:18 #64605
220 posts
" said:
You know you can press "A" to answer the first phone call?

Yes I know. However, I'm not accustomed to use it, because I find the calls dialog options better in many ways:

  • I can select the call I want to make first (usually the most wanting/easieast/the on I have a clue about)

  • I can see all the other calls, so I can prepare to take them (eg. find the calling LC on the map).

  • I can make one train linger on the phone for some time, eg. when he'll be passing a signal at danger, but route will clear for him only after a little while (and 2 minutes seem too much)

Especially knowing who's calling you and where he is is crucial - while you can answer "wait 15" to anybody, it sometimes happens that the SimSigger 1) leaves an entering train at the entry point needlessly, when nothing was obstructing it path, and 2) only discovers that when he sends another train to the very same point, after they meet head to head (which is another thing that happened on that MP session).

Oh, and I don't care if you say the "A" key is actually more realistic.

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SimSig gameplay video 16/09/2014 at 22:20 #64606
718 posts
I just tend to find that I'm usually able to handle phone calls in the order they come in - fair enough, people do behave differently. I always read each one, as opposed to just telling people to wait 15 unless I genuinely think they won't be moving for over five minutes, so I don't think it generally harms my gameplay. If I really do need to leave people on the phone I can always close the window (which will start it ringing again) and answer another one.

But yeah, I've not played South Humberside, so I don't want to comment on the sim specifically since I don't know how hard it is yet

Last edited: 16/09/2014 at 22:21 by Muzer
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SimSig gameplay video 16/09/2014 at 22:59 #64607
220 posts
Honestly there are moments where the phones just keep cropping up (more or less on any sim). Particularly, if you pass trains through a TCF and there are, say, 8 trains waiting on the line, you'll get 8 phonecalls in about 3 minutes. Which is quite a bit of load if you consider it a part of larger area which needs some love too. I try to keep the calls down and usually find in hostings that others have even longer backlog, but sometimes it means some prioritization is needed. Not to mention the LCs which I honestly don't know by heart on almost any sim which has but a few.

You can see it eg. at 16:16 where a much awaited message from 4R18 crops up and I dealt with it first.

BTW - if I rejected the call and pressed A again, I would get the same caller, wouldn't I?

Last edited: 16/09/2014 at 23:01 by Finger
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SimSig gameplay video 16/09/2014 at 23:42 #64608
718 posts
Indeed. In the very rare cases when I do reject calls, I can in those instances use the call list.

The difference possibly stems in the fact that I use the train list to tell drivers to pass at danger, replicating more modern radio-based practices, rather than waiting for them to phone?

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