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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen

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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen 24/09/2014 at 14:27 #64707
23 posts
The Telegraph reports

"Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen
Transport workers in France go on strike in solidarity with two signalmen who were punished after footage emerged of them drinking cocktails while on duty"


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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen 24/09/2014 at 14:47 #64708
2656 posts
That was quite common in France during the late 1970s. I remember going into the train crew messroom at the station in the town where my mum originates from & drinking wine during dinner breaks was quite common & accepted over there then. I remember being in there when a driver & guard came in after working a train from Lyon & they drank red wine with there meal, but there was no one about to stop them or report the fact that they had drank a glass of wine Alot of people in France then used to drink during there midday meal. It was more or less the done thing. Very often I remember seeing my uncles drinking red with there midday meal & then returning to work afterwards. My mothers sister used to run a pub in France during the late 1970s & you'd get all sorts of people come in eating food & having something to drink. They didn't go over board & get drunk they usually had 1 or 2 glasses of red wine with there dinner. Can't say I ever saw anyone get stopped by the police & be breathalyzed. It was more or less regarded as the done thing back then. I would have thought in todays day & age things have changed quite alot.
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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen 24/09/2014 at 15:21 #64709
1461 posts
" said:
That was quite common in France during the late 1970s.
Perhaps wine with a meal was, but I hope that cocktail parties in power boxes weren't!

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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen 24/09/2014 at 16:25 #64714
387 posts
I remember a few years ago being horrified when on holiday in Corsica that the local firemen using the same restaurant as us sat down to a few glasses of wine with their lunch before returning to the fire station. Don't think wine is considered as alcohol in France!!
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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen 24/09/2014 at 17:16 #64715
715 posts
Air France pilots certainly used to have wine with their in flight meals; not sure if this is still the case.
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen 25/09/2014 at 08:29 #64720
1732 posts
Saw the lunch menu for the staff canteen through an open door at Avignon in 1985... extremely good (by the aroma drifting out) 3-courser with a 1/4 of red included in the price. As Dick says, I don't think wine counts as alcohol.

For further information I reccommend R H N Hardy's 'Steam in the Blood'.

Last edited: 25/09/2014 at 08:31 by kbarber
Reason: Further information

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Railworkers strike to support cocktail-swigging signalmen 25/10/2014 at 02:03 #65252
18 posts
Pretty much the practice in Portugal. Not unusual for railwaymen to drink a beer or a wine 375ml bottle at meals! But the buck stops there apart from the eventual cold beer (20 or 33 cl) in a hot summer day. As long it doesn't go over the 0.5 limit you are ok!
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