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My guess at the next sim

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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 19:41 #66454
belly buster
368 posts
No inside info just plugs a lot of gaps and would be a great sim.

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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 19:58 #66455
86 posts
True, anything is possible. However it could be anywhere
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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 20:29 #66456
88 posts
Donny PSB would be nice been waiting ages for this to come out...........
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The following users said thank you: tjfrancis, Tempest Malice, Razzabazza123, Guts
My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 22:30 #66468
747 posts
London Bridge still has yet to be finaliser, however I think it could be Croydon re-releaed as the Three Bridges section filling the gap of Brighton/Victoria sims..?
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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 22:43 #66469
660 posts
" said:
London Bridge still has yet to be finaliser, however I think it could be Croydon re-releaed as the Three Bridges section filling the gap of Brighton/Victoria sims..?
Would be great if my home turf was re-released (and the lots of associated tt writing for moi) but would still need the Gatwick part of 3B too to link it all together with Brighton and Victoria

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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 22:49 #66471
6364 posts
Keep the guesses coming...
SimSig Boss
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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 22:49 #66472
884 posts
" said:
London Bridge still has yet to be finaliser, however I think it could be Croydon re-releaed as the Three Bridges section filling the gap of Brighton/Victoria sims..?
I pray for the day, James, but Geoff said...

" said:
I wouldn't be me if I didn't have a surprise up my sleeve for later this month for everybody to enjoy...............
... which makes me think it will be freeware sim - which I doubt Three Bridges would be, unless of course Simsig has turned a huge profit this year and is rewarding its loyal members. :whistle: :xmas

I reckon it might be something like Guildford?

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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 22:54 #66473
359 posts
well some time i can not remember who post it but the post sayed three bridges will be free so it may be that :whistle:
I am dyslexic so please consider this when reading my posts
Last edited: 11/12/2014 at 22:58 by tjfrancis
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My guess at the next sim 11/12/2014 at 22:58 #66474
587 posts
Well, we now have Wimbledon and Feltham that fringe with Woking - that's a possible contender...
Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 00:03 #66477
2776 posts
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 00:07 #66478
587 posts
" said:
Oh you people in the inner circle are horrible!!!! :pinch:

Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 00:18 #66481
718 posts
I might be reading too much into something, but...

There were four sims updated today. Three sims had (public) known issues - Portsmouth, Stafford and Feltham. The fourth is a sim that, to me at least, appeared to function perfectly. That sim is Aston, which chains to Birmingham New Street and Stafford fine already, and would also chain to Derby were it released. This fringe is a slotted single-line section so is not something trivially easy to get right first time if the other sim doesn't yet exist (in a usable form for chaining). My guess is this was Aston being updated in advance of the new Derby sim being released so that chaining will work from the outset.

We know Derby has long been in development because it had a (very) limited release quite a while ago.

(We can assume Saltley's update will be complex given it's an exe sim and it needs to enable chaining to Birmingham New Street, and we know that the existing North East/East Midlands sims are also very hard to update since it was mentioned previously as being hard work on this forum, so that would explain why we haven't seen updates to those, yet).

Again, this might be me reading far too much into it, but if I had to put money on it, Derby would be the one.

Last edited: 12/12/2014 at 00:24 by Muzer
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 00:43 #66483
1285 posts
" said:
I might be reading too much into something, but...

There were four sims updated today. Three sims had (public) known issues - Portsmouth, Stafford and Feltham. The fourth is a sim that, to me at least, appeared to function perfectly. That sim is Aston, which chains to Birmingham New Street and Stafford fine already, and would also chain to Derby were it released. This fringe is a slotted single-line section so is not something trivially easy to get right first time if the other sim doesn't yet exist (in a usable form for chaining). My guess is this was Aston being updated in advance of the new Derby sim being released so that chaining will work from the outset.

We know Derby has long been in development because it had a (very) limited release quite a while ago.

(We can assume Saltley's update will be complex given it's an exe sim and it needs to enable chaining to Birmingham New Street, and we know that the existing North East/East Midlands sims are also very hard to update since it was mentioned previously as being hard work on this forum, so that would explain why we haven't seen updates to those, yet).

Again, this might be me reading far too much into it, but if I had to put money on it, Derby would be the one.

Good point. I had forgotten about that.

The other thing with Saltley will be the need to update it anyway. The Barnt Green - Redditch line which, back in July / August, went under a lengthy (8 weeks IIRC) engineering possession to allow Alvechurch to be double-tracked.....

https://www.flickr.com/photos/60539035@N02/15193264458 - finished job

..... becomes 3 trains per hour (instead of the current 2) on weekdays starting Monday 15th December. New signals at Redditch and Alvechurch would need to be put into an update before any modern TTs could be created. If that isn't enough, it may need to be updated in 2017 (or thereabouts) once the new Bromsgrove station opens. Gloucester sim would also need the latter update as Bromsgrove is the fringe point bewteen Saltley's signals and those of Gloucester I believe.


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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 00:57 #66485
718 posts
I understand that the area has been almost completely recontrolled and resignalled now, and I can't remember if the new signalbox is in the conflict of interest list or not. In any case, the current sim is for Saltley PSB, and since we haven't experienced sims actually changing the signalbox they simulate in the past, I doubt we'd experience it now.

If we'll get the new Saltley track layout at all, I expect it'll either be "hacked on" to the existing layout (ie not prototypical of real life), or in an entirely new sim.

(Once again, apologies if I'm putting words in anyone's mouths)

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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 01:06 #66488
4869 posts
" said:
I understand that the area has been almost completely recontrolled and resignalled now, and I can't remember if the new signalbox is in the conflict of interest list or not. In any case, the current sim is for Saltley PSB, and since we haven't experienced sims actually changing the signalbox they simulate in the past, I doubt we'd experience it now.

If we'll get the new Saltley track layout at all, I expect it'll either be "hacked on" to the existing layout (ie not prototypical of real life), or in an entirely new sim.

(Once again, apologies if I'm putting words in anyone's mouths)
Never say never, I've always intended for Llangollen to follow the railways development over time, and hopefully at some point that will mean an extra signal box.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 12/12/2014 at 01:07 by headshot119
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 01:14 #66491
718 posts
That's a good point - I didn't include the possibility of new boxes opening with entirely new lines
Last edited: 12/12/2014 at 01:14 by Muzer
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 01:22 #66493
1119 posts
Only guessing but as a Peterborough/Cambridge refresh to scrolly isn't happening anytime soon as there's a lot more on the authors plate, I would hazard a guess it's something to do with Derby or the Gatwick part of Three Bridges which would chain with Brighton.
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 01:40 #66494
718 posts
My own opinions on other suggestions in this thread:

Glasgow Central: Since GeoffM had forgotten about Paisley when he mentioned a new sim being released, I doubt the new one would be Glasgow Central since I reckon he would have remembered them as being related in some manner.

Doncaster: I don't see why not, would be a nice release, plug a nice gap and be a fun sim

Croydon: Another sim been in development for a while, perfectly feasible as far as I know. I don't recall anything that would make it seem unlikely. I would expect, however, that this would be two sims and released with Oxted or Gatwick or somewhere else. Since we haven't been promised two sims, this might not be the case. (Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, none of KurtDS's sims have yet made it to loader which MIGHT suggest he is currently too busy with his life to work on sims - he also hasn't posted on the forum since 2012. These things would make a release less likely unless someone else has taken them over).

Guildford: Why not? Fun-sounding location, especially since we've had quite a bit of SWT-land recently...

Woking: Ditto

Overall I still think Derby is the most likely, for the reasons stated. Plus, I think Hpotter is the developer, and he's been rather active on the forum lately...

Last edited: 12/12/2014 at 02:53 by Muzer
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 05:43 #66498
509 posts
A wild stab in the dark based on nothing but wishful thinking: DART?
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 05:48 #66499
718 posts
Yeah, I was actually thinking that something non-British could be interesting. I would expect differing signalling practices could make things harder, though.
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 08:46 #66503
3971 posts
" said:
I understand that the area has been almost completely recontrolled and resignalled now, and I can't remember if the new signalbox is in the conflict of interest list or not. In any case, the current sim is for Saltley PSB, and since we haven't experienced sims actually changing the signalbox they simulate in the past, I doubt we'd experience it now.
As far as I know, Saltley South Top panel is the only part of Saltley PSB still in use, which has had an extra mini-panel fitted to control the loop at Alvechurch. The rest of the former Saltley area has gone over to WMSCC, which I'm fairly sure is a no-go for SimSig. Personally, I don't think there's much point in adding Alvechurch loop to Saltley, as a modern timetable would also require use of the bay platforms at Birmingham Moor Street.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 09:12 #66504
Peter Bennet
5396 posts
The next sim release is also largely dependant on which developer completes whatever they are working on first.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 09:25 #66505
1461 posts
" said:
Never say never, I've always intended for Llangollen to follow the railways development over time, and hopefully at some point that will mean an extra signal box.
Is that at Carrog, or do you lot have plans for a new box somewhere else on the line?

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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 11:39 #66508
262 posts
I'm going to hope (and inevitably be disappointed) that the new sim is a Manchester Area sim, although, this probably won't come out until the upgrade works are completed.

I wonder, could Crewe be on the list, perhaps chaining to Stafford?

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My guess at the next sim 12/12/2014 at 11:52 #66509
3971 posts
" said:
I'm going to hope (and inevitably be disappointed) that the new sim is a Manchester Area sim, although, this probably won't come out until the upgrade works are completed.
Seconded! I would love to see (and would gladly pay for!) Preston, Warrington or Manchester Piccadilly.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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