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Support for Daniel

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Support for Daniel 11/01/2015 at 02:42 #67713
111 posts
I post here because the "Goodbye" thread has been closed.

You may or may not agree with the points of criticism that Daniel made of the SimSig Team. This post is not about that.

If you wish to support Daniel as a hard-working member of this community and encourage him to stay with us and remain as a player of SimSig in multi-player games, then add your name and supportive comments below.

Perhaps Geoff and the Team could look into the problems and try to find a way for Daniel to remain as a developer and tester. We can leave that to them.

Daniel, don't lose heart. Remember, that SimSig is a computer program and after all, not so important. You can only do your best and I am sure you tried your hardest. Perhaps, it just wasn't to be. There is no need to throw everything away, though. Just take a short break and you may see things differently after a time.

There is still multi-play and a group of friends here who want you to stay with us.

Best wishes.

Last edited: 11/01/2015 at 02:56 by Roadrunner
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Support for Daniel 11/01/2015 at 03:34 #67714
718 posts
I will add my support. It's always a shame to see people leave, especially in this sort of circumstance, so without knowing anything of the internal politics involved (and so not judging on either side), I only hope that any differences can eventually be settled. Just, as Roadrunner said, remember that in the end, it's only a gamesimulation, and you'll still be able to play it if you wish.
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Support for Daniel 11/01/2015 at 08:45 #67715
1637 posts
From what little I know about all this, it seems clear there's no smoke without fire, so this might be the place to shed more light on arrangements between developers and testers, to prevent future acrimony of this type. Anyone else who feels he/she's been treated unjustly might care to contribute.
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Support for Daniel 11/01/2015 at 09:47 #67716
35 posts
I no little of the problems that Daniel has had. but he has made some important contributions to SIMSIG and I would like to see an investigation of his problems and the way things have gone for him. This is a serious loss to our community. Please reconsider Daniel. Kindest Regards Cabooseman
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Support for Daniel 11/01/2015 at 10:47 #67717
5246 posts
Can we keep a sense of perspective about this. SimSig is not paid employment and the contact between developers and testers is not about contracts or employment and tribunals if there is a disagreement; it is about personal relationships. Sometimes those relationships break down just as personal relationships break down in other walks of life. It is intrusive and not part of anyone else's business to expect that the personal relationships people have should be dissected on a public forum.

Can we leave it that the work Daniel has done is greatly respected and that there are a lot of people who would welcome him back if he decides to give more time to SimSig.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: crompton, andyb0607, GoochyB, larsht, MikeW, Forest Pines, officer dibble, AndyG, JamesN, KymriskaDraken, sloppyjag, TimTamToe
Support for Daniel 11/01/2015 at 11:36 #67718
963 posts
Indeed. Daniel has put a lot of work into various bits of SimSig and for that I am very grateful.

Daniel, you're always welcome on any of my multiplayer sessions and I hope to see you back around these parts soon.


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Support for Daniel 11/01/2015 at 12:24 #67720
117 posts
Hello Daniel I hope you read this.
I have googled Asperger,s Syndrome and I can now appreciate some of the difficulty,s you are facing on a day to day basis. Having played Simsig a lot and having probably played one or more Simulations that you were involved with, I would like to thank you for the time and effort that you have put into testing. After reading your post, maybe it would be a good idea for you to step away from testing as you are clearly not happy. However, i hope you don,t leave us altogether.You can always join a session for instance. One thing I would sugest is that not not testing anymore will leave a void in your life that needs to be filled.Set yourself a new target which will give you a new purpose in life. it is surprising what a difference it can make, not just to you but anyone.
It does not have to be rocket science but something simple but at the same time rewarding to yourself. Take me for example. In the past I,ve gone through an old timetable for the Cambridge Sim, corrected and edited it where necessary and added extra trains on the night shift. And all because I liked that particular era and I live in one of the towns on the route.
Best wishes and good luck for the future Daniel, and you can send me a private message anytime.

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Support for Daniel 14/01/2015 at 01:12 #67795
210 posts
Daniel, I have no problems with you, whatsoever. If you want to chat,email me: vontrapp@ntlworld.com
Last edited: 14/01/2015 at 01:13 by vontrapp
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