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Loader issue again (New street and others) temporally fixed

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Loader issue again (New street and others) temporally fixed 29/01/2015 at 23:22 #68563
83 posts

I'm currently having an issue loading a previously saved New Street sim, but I also can't load saved games for Wimbledon and Wolverhampton too.

When I click to load the sim I get an error message saying "simulation base data for this saved runtime data.

Then the only functioning button which works is 'back' until I'm at the root menu and then the only option that's available is exit.

Whilst writing this post I went to look at the directories the loader was using and whilst they all appeared to be normal I added the 'simulations' and timetables' folders manually (where as before it was just the overall SimSig folder) and this seemed to work. I have used the loader since going to 4.3.2. without issue until I came to load it tonight. I haven't done anything else to the system except a scheduled defrag.

Bit of a strange one, but it's working for now. Any ideas what could be causing it so I can prevent it happening again?

Many thanks

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Loader issue again (New street and others) temporally fixed 30/01/2015 at 05:36 #68570
2158 posts
Mark, Quite a number of things could be causing your problem. What Operating System are you using? Could be a Registry error. Suggest you run System Maintenance program. I ran a save from September 2014 on New Street and did not have any problems.


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Loader issue again (New street and others) temporally fixed 31/01/2015 at 00:58 #68602
83 posts
Hi Barry

Its windows 64-bit.

The first time it happened (a few weeks ago) I had a runtime error with loads of numbers, but this time it just went to the runtime data message.

It has only happened once and that's after I built my system in October last year.

Many thanks

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