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Gathering Dust?

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Gathering Dust? 25/05/2015 at 17:27 #72709
Andrew G
552 posts
With a raft of new simulations eagerly awaited I was wondering if anybody in our community has any concerns they might find it difficult to get the full value from their new purchases.

I raise this question following an observation myself in that I have a number of simulations which are best suited to Multi Player which don't get aired on a regular basis.

For example I hosted a 3 hour session of Wimbledon the other day which I thoroughly enjoyed as I was only working 1 panel for most of the session (thanks to those who joined). Fulham is definitely one I haven't got much use out of and I can only recall seeing one Multi Player session hosted recently.

I am of course looking forward to the new releases but do wonder how many hours will be spent on each one.

Interested in your thoughts.

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Gathering Dust? 25/05/2015 at 18:10 #72710
150 posts
My simulations never gather dust, and I always play single-handed and for the full 24+ hours. All can be played solo, although some might need less than real-time speed during the peaks and you may cause some delays, especially at Victoria S, Saltney and modern-era KX. I find that a pilot-like methodical scan of the entire controlled area helps in spotting potential problems.

Now back to my BNS session: 1G49 will be impatiently waiting in platform 4 for me to give the road.

Last edited: 25/05/2015 at 18:11 by trolleybus
Reason: Typo

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Gathering Dust? 25/05/2015 at 18:15 #72711
68 posts
" said:

You mean Saltley, right? (Or is it a new simulation that I havent noticed...)

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Gathering Dust? 25/05/2015 at 18:36 #72712
1021 posts
I tend to only use Motherwell and Paisley as these are routes I work on every day. I use to use Edinburgh for a while prior to the other two coming out but to me seems dated and would quite like to see a modern Edinburgh rebuild of it before going back to it. I have several other sims too, but rarely visit them now.


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Gathering Dust? 25/05/2015 at 19:11 #72713
65 posts
For me, there is always something of an additional factor of supporting A Good Cause (capital letters intended!). I buy everything going, although some don't float my boat as much as others. I find that there are very few that can't be run single-handed (albeit with cranking the speed down from time to time), although for some strange reason Kings Cross still breaks my brain (always has and always will!), as does Wembley mainline.
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Gathering Dust? 25/05/2015 at 19:13 #72714
476 posts
I tend to go for a mixture of biggish Sims, eg New St and Derby and run them at a pace to suit my aging brain cells. I have many of the ideal single-player ones also. I do find that if I download recent ones they tend to get quite a bit of play initially while I familiarise myself with the layout. Some that I keep coming back to in terms of the age of the sims are Peterborough and Stafford. Of course I enjoy them all and am glad to have a big enough selection to add variety of playing.

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Gathering Dust? 25/05/2015 at 20:57 #72718
Temple Meads
307 posts
Yes, it is a concern for me, I can't run most of the large sims (excepting Bristol) very easily on my own, and there is a shortage of multiplayer sessions with quite a few of the payware sims - also those that do go ahead sometimes struggle to get enough players.

Due to those reasons I'm pretty selective about purchasing sims now, either I need to know I can run the area on my own, or if once it's been out for a bit, I can see it's well used in MP.

Definitely considering purchasing New St as that seems to be widely used.

Username TIM in multiplayer
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Gathering Dust? 26/05/2015 at 09:56 #72724
Andrew G
552 posts
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Some interesting as well as differing views.

From a personal perspective I find it less enjoyable, even though it is achievable, to try and act as a Super Hero Signaller single handedly dealing with the workload of several Signallers. However, I can understand the challenge this can provide.

One benefit of Multi Player sessions is the ability to have some time to watch the situation develop and regulate accordingly rather than act reactively. For example I recently invested in an additional monitor and can see the whole of Panel 6 for Motherwell without the need for scrolling.

Mike did make an interesting point regarding supporting the Developers and this is something we need to keep in mind as a low number of purchases might deter a Developer from spending time on their next project.

As with Craig I do have a tendency to spend more time with areas I know and have a particular fond spot for Paisley as I was fortunate enough to visit most of the boxes Pre-Resignalling and my WTT for the Pre-Electrification era is getting closer to a release.

Last edited: 26/05/2015 at 09:57 by Andrew G
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Gathering Dust? 26/05/2015 at 10:09 #72726
714 posts
I'm another in the line of playing the larger sims single-handedly without ARS (although generally with limited failures and TORR on). I enjoy the challenge, but it also keeps me busy; I struggle to derive much pleasure from waiting for ages for something to happen as can be the case on some smaller sims - my favourites are generally the larger sims with the variety of running such as Saltley, Edinburgh, Wembley and Motherwell.

However, I have purchased a few of the smaller sims as they have their place when I just want a chilled couple of hours and also I do like to support SimSig - it has given me countless hours of enjoyment since I started all those years ago (I reckon I've been using it for around 12 years now) and for a much smaller financial contribution than some other games or hobbies which have fallen by the wayside.

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Gathering Dust? 26/05/2015 at 10:38 #72727
624 posts
I've got a three-monitor setup and tend to play around with multiple-window configurations so that everything fits without the need for scrolling, preferably with the main action areas right in front of me and quieter areas off to the sides.

Usually do SwinDid KX, BNS and Wembley ML in this fashion and they're all great fun with delays ramped up and the chance of a points failure here or there. Unfortunately sims like Bristol, Saltley, and the Victorias are just too big so I only rarely play those, if ever (timezones and my own shifts preventing me from joining most MP games). Don't trust ARS so I still want to monitor those areas. Level crossings are painful though, I tend to avoid sims that are packed with them.

The most frustrating sim at the moment is West Hampstead. I can get it all to fit on 3 monitors but really struggle to keep track of all the crosses at the single lead junctions... there doesn't seem to be any pattern to them so I always get distracted doing something else and sink myself with the auto re-clears. Something to work at!

In terms of buying sims that collect dust, I'm not that upset about it. Either I buy a sim and I play it until I need wrist surgery, OR I play it a couple of times and the money spent is more about supporting development of further sims (*cough* old Euston on loader *cough*).

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Gathering Dust? 26/05/2015 at 12:06 #72730
254 posts
This is an excellent thread. I've got loads of sims.

As people release timetables for sims I dust them off to see what the patterns are like. Currently playing the recent Marylebone TT to see what its like... I'd forgotten how challenging that morning peak is . West Hampstead if you can get the crossings right is a joy to watch the cogs turn

Now and again I will pull out South Humberside or Sheffield , South Humberside has a perfect mix if you like lots of freight , Saltley is awesome as a regulating exercise

New St once you get the clockface in your head its more morse code with the mouse as you are so busy but not really challenged mentally

Gloucester and Westbury don't get a lot of play from me

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Gathering Dust? 26/05/2015 at 12:09 #72731
675 posts
As an enthusiast with an interest in British and foreign signalling I have most if not all of the Simsigs ever released, along with all the Dutch and German sims released by Dutch company Signalsoft, and hundreds of US sims released on the no longer available Softrail 'Train Dispatcher' platform.

The most challenging Simsig sims for a single player in my opinion are Trent, Saltley and Kings Cross because of their traffic density and with no ARS provision but I enjoy them all the same. The Victoria and Wimbledon sims are fine for me as a single player as long as the ARS is on, and if things are going smoothly I may turn the ARS off at a given location (eg Waterloo station in Wimbledon) and work that location myself. The other concession I make in the busier sims is to reduce faults and failures to nearly zero and only one failure at a time. However, I do increase the risk of late running trains (and additional station dwell time in the German sims) so that it is not all plain sailing, as real life is rarely like that.

I also tend to group my sims into two categories,

1. Those which require my constant attention, for when I'm in the mood for being fully immersed in a sim (eg New St), and
2. What I call 'Saturday afternoon sims', those which are less busy and don't require constant attention, allowing me to maybe catch up on my reading and also listen to the football on the radio at the same time as running a sim.


Last edited: 26/05/2015 at 12:15 by Phil-jmw
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Gathering Dust? 27/05/2015 at 15:02 #72779
624 posts
" said:
If you haven't yet tried it, Westbury has an absolutely insane 'Mayhem' timetable which is great fun. You generally end up with trains (pass and freight) stacked three or four deep at both ends of the Melksham single line and all you need is a points failure or dead train around Westbury itself and it's goodnight! Regulating Newbury is a hoot as well.

Every time I go back to that TT I end up manually terminating a bunch of trains at Westbury and sending them elsewhere instead of around the single line.

The huge area covered by Westbury gives you time to breathe and think - a wonderful change of pace if you're coming off a KX or BNS but don't want to go all the way down to one of the small sims.

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Gathering Dust? 27/05/2015 at 23:56 #72786
601 posts
I don't mind having Sims just sitting there.

I tend to play them chained as in two Sims chained together.

There's not many I can't play chained.

I used to Host more but I'm just so busy. I will endeavor to host more.

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Gathering Dust? 28/05/2015 at 17:58 #72799
Andrew G
552 posts
Lots more interesting comments and views.

Sheffield gets a mention and I agree it is a very interesting area, I just find it difficult to go back to a paged view simulation. While it might never happen or take some time I expect a lot of people would like to see a loader version.

Like Phil I am also a Signalsoft user and their continental simulations provide an interesting contrast to UK Signalling. There is quite a steep learning curve but it is worth persevering with them. There is also occasionally quite a steep price with their latest simulation retailing at 100 Euros (circa £70).

Returning to hosting like Guts I only host occasionally and will try and increase this.

Two final things I am interested in is whether people would prefer some hosted simulations to be capped in terms of participants to allow doubling up when some control areas are quite small (e.g. Motherwell & Feltham) or do people prefer a more the merrier approach? And finally do people prefer to stay on one Panel or Rotate - I suspect the latter if you end up on Clapham Yard, Whitchurch or Alrewas!

Last edited: 28/05/2015 at 18:11 by Andrew G
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Gathering Dust? 28/05/2015 at 20:13 #72806
884 posts
" said:
Sheffield gets a mention and I agree it is a very interesting area, I just find it difficult to go back to a paged view simulation. While it might never happen or take some time I expect a lot of people would like to see a loader version.
Agreed. The three sims that rarely get a look in these days are Sheffield, Cambridge and Peterborough.

This is not because the areas don't interest me, it's purely because I prefer the scrolly format.

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Gathering Dust? 29/05/2015 at 12:52 #72837
624 posts
" said:

Two final things I am interested in is whether people would prefer some hosted simulations to be capped in terms of participants to allow doubling up when some control areas are quite small (e.g. Motherwell & Feltham) or do people prefer a more the merrier approach? And finally do people prefer to stay on one Panel or Rotate - I suspect the latter if you end up on Clapham Yard, Whitchurch or Alrewas!
It'd be nice to rotate, but seems like the sort of thing best encouraged, rather than set in community rule.

Usually when I join MP I'll pick one panel and stay with it because the host has put themselves on the busiest panel, OR one user has a busy panel and everyone else is just feeding them trains all day. I can sit back and just have a yarn on the circuit phone chat box.

It's extremely good for people new to SimSig or new to a sim to get into MP and get a quiet panel on a large sim, so they can learn and do their own area, while watching a busy area, and not be forced to take on the busy area before they're ready for it.

Maybe it's something the host can decide when setting up the game, or just get people to put their hands up in the chat box for a swap...

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