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West Ldn Jcn MSL to Queenstown Rd WL Errors recuring 15/07/2015 at 15:37 #74252 | |
665 posts |
Went through the timetable analysis for a timetable I'm writing and trains that change from the up main slow to Windsor lines at Queenstown Rd came up with invalid tt. Have changed the lines for West Ldn Jcn to MSL then WL which then validates. Upon saving (different name) and closing and starting a completely new session upon opening the new tt the errors are back again and unvalidated. This is only happening with the trains that change from main to Windsor lines at Queenstown Rd. If I alter their tt's to change lines at Vauxhall and then save etc, the tt's remain validated, so thinking this may be some sort of bug possibly related to the previous half route bug around Queenstown Road that was raised. Using Loader 4.5.1 and sim 1.2. Can email a copy to a dev if they need to investigate further [Edit this is also occurring when changing from MSL to MFL at Queenstown Rd] Gareth Last edited: 15/07/2015 at 15:44 by TimTamToe Log in to reply |