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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours

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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 22/12/2009 at 13:38 #425
268 posts
One train (don't remember which and its entrance point) is to down right of Brighton main station. The train has entrance over 00:05 hours approximately, destination Bristol main station, platform 7.
Problem found. Platform 7 only has signal direction to right screen. And that train appears to right screen how is Brighton main station. Then I have to make shunt for that train to put it on just track and go to platform 7. But how enters train on platform 7 from right side to left, can make the shunt, but after cannot send it to platform 7, have not signal direction left on that platform.
I proved to move train to left by same track from where enters from its entrance siding. And from side left (of Brighton main station) to shunt it to just track and move it to platform 7 correctly.
But when passed the platform of that track, stops starting decouple trains on incoherent platform. Then, cannot to make the shunt and move it to platform 7.
Resuming the question, if from right side to left platform 7 has not signals and from left side stops on incorrect platform. Then, how don't I make to move it to platform 7?

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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 22/12/2009 at 13:38 #5251
268 posts
One train (don't remember which and its entrance point) is to down right of Brighton main station. The train has entrance over 00:05 hours approximately, destination Bristol main station, platform 7.
Problem found. Platform 7 only has signal direction to right screen. And that train appears to right screen how is Brighton main station. Then I have to make shunt for that train to put it on just track and go to platform 7. But how enters train on platform 7 from right side to left, can make the shunt, but after cannot send it to platform 7, have not signal direction left on that platform.
I proved to move train to left by same track from where enters from its entrance siding. And from side left (of Brighton main station) to shunt it to just track and move it to platform 7 correctly.
But when passed the platform of that track, stops starting decouple trains on incoherent platform. Then, cannot to make the shunt and move it to platform 7.
Resuming the question, if from right side to left platform 7 has not signals and from left side stops on incorrect platform. Then, how don't I make to move it to platform 7?

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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 22/12/2009 at 16:57 #5262
101 posts
You can route a train from the right of the station, to platform 6, setting a route to terminate at the blue X (in this case the one that has number AC6).

You can read about the X signal under the Unusual feature section in the wiki page for this simulation. it is the paragraph starting with St. Andrew’s Crosses.

If you are speaking about 1C791, you have to route it from 564 to 24 on the Filton main (and not to any signals on the bath line, since from there you can not go to platform 7). Then from the signal 24 to the sant'Andrew Cross AC6.

If you look carefully you can note that in the timetable, in the line of the location Bristol east Jn, it is written that the path have to be the DF (down Filton)

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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 22/12/2009 at 18:32 #5273
268 posts
Thanks Anytime by your reply, and thanks too by reply on Trent threat. From your image I understood my personal mistake. Because you send train from siding directly to platform 7 and I sent to Bath line and after to make double reverse to platform 7.
Over previous detail that platform 7 had not down signals, was personal mistake. Really has those down signals.

From your Spanish friend, Carlos

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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 22/12/2009 at 21:02 #5281
Peter Bennet
5374 posts
Sorry are we talking about Brighton or Bristol here?


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 22/12/2009 at 22:31 #5288
1171 posts
Must be Bristol, Brighton only has one 'side' (being a terminus).
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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 23/12/2009 at 10:53 #5292
268 posts
Peter and Sacro, thanks to make mention my personal mistake over name platforms station of simulation. I put reference over Bristol, put Brighton by mistake.
Add detail, with any trains is difficult know which track give it to go to its destination. Because tt of that train puts previous main platform how pass point and after destinationonly.
If must make shunt on any point, to go destination, just is put which track must use.
Example, 7V112, goes to part down of Bristol main platforms, making previus shunt to enter on exit destination. But, by which track must send that train to shunt point if there is 2 possibilities to arrive to same?

Question. How to create signature?, previous website had that option on personal user account. But on new website, personal user account don't find that option of signature.

Your Spanish friend, Carlos

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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 23/12/2009 at 20:42 #5308
101 posts
For the shunting movements at Bristol, you have to get used to.

For the signature: I think you will find it under your preference. Go to the preference of the forum. From the horizontal menu press on Users and then profile. The press personality and you have a box where to write your signature.

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V. 2.202 default timetable, start time 00:00 hours 25/12/2009 at 12:02 #5335
268 posts
Train 6B061. Entrance from Oil zone to Yate, destination Yate DS (think that is Down Slow line). This train finishes on Yate DS, hasn't next ID or new destination.

Bath road exit (modern era). Any trains have destination to Bath road, but which Bath road, Bath road siding or Bath RTS (which is near Bath Spa)? I send trains to Bath Road siding, thinking than that was its destination. This affects to 5V722 and other trains too. If is Bath Road siding, then have to move train by Smash line, Bristol East Jn and direct to Bath Road Siding.
Proved Bath road playing 1980 era with same timetable, on this era Bath road destination has a just entrance/exit point, than hasn't put the modern era. On modern era must move train by down part screen of Bristol main platforms (Splash line if I don't remember bad), after pass Bristol East Jn and direct to Bath road siding. And other possitive detail on 1989 era is than Yate platforms have shunt signals, modern era haven't put the shunt signals.

Other general question. To enter the ID and password data only can to make it from main page. Is there any other place from forum window where I can to enter ID and password?

Thanks Anyfile by detail over Signature, found the same: Users and after open Profile. Over detail, that I put Brighton and didn't put Bristol, was personal mistake typing it. Really reference was over Bristol platforms and I fixed that mistake does any days on reference of this threat and other places where was bad typed.

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