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Anniesland 10/05/2017 at 16:30 #95014
5208 posts
tynie123 in post 95011 said:
Sorry I am not making myself clear. Even now if I went into Cen Scot and tried to load the timetable that is there, nothing. No Trains no rules just the layout, same on NE Scot. Others on Loader Paisley, North Wales coast , Liverpool still seem to work.

There are lots of people here trying to help you, but you are not giving anyone the information that is needed; you are just repeating yourself that nothing is working. It is clear that there is nothing inherently wrong with your set up as the loader is working correctly with other sims so there must be something you have done or not done with the McSim TTs which is causing the problem. We are trying to get things right for you, but it will not happen if you can't or won't supply the information needed to help solve the problem.

Both Steamer and I have asked more than once where you saved your downloaded TT files. If they are still in your normal Downloads folder you will never see them in SimSig. Please tell us where you have saved them. SimSig doesn't scan your whole hard disk to find timetables. It will only look in places it has been told to look. Unless you have played with the settings, the NESCOT sim will only look in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SimSig\Timetables\nescot" (or whichever location your version of Windows calls its Public folder) for any TTs. If they are anywhere else on your hard disk you will never see them in SimSig. This is not the fault of SimSig; it is because the user hasn't saved the files in the right place.

Can you please tell us which folder you have used to save the McSim TTs so that we can move on to the next step and get you up and running.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 10/05/2017 at 21:16 by postal
Reason: emphasis removed from text

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Anniesland 10/05/2017 at 20:58 #95021
234 posts
Sorry guys , I am a bit stressed at the moment as I am nursing my dad through Terminal cancer. It docent take much for me to get upset. I will look at it all over the next day or three and I really appreciate all the help.
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Anniesland 10/05/2017 at 21:15 #95022
5208 posts
tynie123 in post 95021 said:
Sorry guys , I am a bit stressed at the moment as I am nursing my dad through Terminal cancer. It docent take much for me to get upset. I will look at it all over the next day or three and I really appreciate all the help.
There are things in life a lot more important than SimSig. Whenever you can get back to it we'll take it forward but until then it can quite happily sit on the back burner. There is a lot of support in the SimSig community and everyone will be pulling with you at this difficult time.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Anniesland 10/05/2017 at 21:26 #95023
234 posts
cheers had a wee go on Paisley today and enjoyed it.
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Anniesland 10/09/2017 at 07:11 #101685
336 posts
I just downloaded the 2013 TT and guess what, could not find it on the loader. Reason being, there are two folders for central Scotland in my c:/users/public/public documents/timetables. One for /Cent Scotland and another for /cscot. I had put the timetable in /Cent Scotland which is not read by my loader, whereas /cscot is. Have no idea why /Cent Scotland is there? Found a 1984 and a 1993 timetable for Central Scotland in there too!

Regarding the other issues mentioned on here. I too found some trains not reversing at Anniesland, 'at buffer stops'. ACI not working for some trains at Anniesland, Queen Street, Stirling, Falkirk G, Caumberbauld and Dunblane. Some trains that terminate at Falkirk G and return to Queen Street do not change number on arriving, some of those that do after reversing do not change their numbers either.

The loader is up to date, as well as the sim, using 2006 WTT (0445 start).

Retired Professional Railwayman (1981-2023); Pway & S&T (1981-88); Former Signalman/Signaller/ Signalling Trainer (1989-2023) [AB, TCB, Mechanical, NX, WestCad, Hitachi SARS]; Railway Historian (esp.SER, LCDR); Member of The Permanent Way Institution..
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Anniesland 10/09/2017 at 07:36 #101686
Stephen Fulcher
2050 posts
Could the Cent Scotland directory be from the pre-loader version?
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Anniesland 10/09/2017 at 08:48 #101687
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Don't think there has ever been any official need for a Cent Scotland folder, did you name that yourself?

Can you tell us the version number of the sim and timetable that you are using, I know you have said it's up to date but double checking will do no harm.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Anniesland 10/09/2017 at 13:36 #101692
336 posts
Peter Bennet in post 101687 said:
Don't think there has ever been any official need for a Cent Scotland folder, did you name that yourself?

Can you tell us the version number of the sim and timetable that you are using, I know you have said it's up to date but double checking will do no harm.

No didn't name it myself.

I am using Loader 4.6.4 with Central Scotland Version 4.1 Timetable was 2006 (0445start)

This morning I down loaded CScot 2013 0445 Start timetable and ran Cent Scot in Post mode. Still had the same issues with the ACI at all location that have ACI, including Alloa. Also 5W74 arrived at Annieland, changed number then was "at buffer stops". I had to reverse it to proceed, which it did into Anniesland Platform and awaited departure time right direction.

Retired Professional Railwayman (1981-2023); Pway & S&T (1981-88); Former Signalman/Signaller/ Signalling Trainer (1989-2023) [AB, TCB, Mechanical, NX, WestCad, Hitachi SARS]; Railway Historian (esp.SER, LCDR); Member of The Permanent Way Institution..
Last edited: 10/09/2017 at 13:41 by Giantray
Reason: None given

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Anniesland 10/09/2017 at 15:52 #101693
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Should be sim version 4.1.1, if you are not offered it as "new" then try deleting the Sim and then run the loader and it should offer you the update.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: Giantray
Anniesland 10/09/2017 at 15:56 #101694
Andrew G
550 posts

I've just deleted the sim file and ran the 'Check for updates'.

The file being downloaded is still version 4.1 not 4.1.1.


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The following user said thank you: Peter Bennet
Anniesland 10/09/2017 at 16:28 #101695
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Looks like the updates may have been overlooked, have resent to Geoff.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Anniesland 11/09/2017 at 07:42 #101706
336 posts
Thank you Peter, I will try that.
Retired Professional Railwayman (1981-2023); Pway & S&T (1981-88); Former Signalman/Signaller/ Signalling Trainer (1989-2023) [AB, TCB, Mechanical, NX, WestCad, Hitachi SARS]; Railway Historian (esp.SER, LCDR); Member of The Permanent Way Institution..
Last edited: 11/09/2017 at 07:43 by Giantray
Reason: None given

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Anniesland 11/09/2017 at 07:46 #101707
336 posts
Deleted and ran loader, updates with version 4.1 not 4.1.1.
Retired Professional Railwayman (1981-2023); Pway & S&T (1981-88); Former Signalman/Signaller/ Signalling Trainer (1989-2023) [AB, TCB, Mechanical, NX, WestCad, Hitachi SARS]; Railway Historian (esp.SER, LCDR); Member of The Permanent Way Institution..
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Anniesland 14/09/2017 at 11:06 #101786
3947 posts
Peter Bennet in post 101695 said:
Looks like the updates may have been overlooked, have resent to Geoff.

Have they been received?

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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