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Problem with attaching assisting engines at Newton Abbot

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Problem with attaching assisting engines at Newton Abbot 26/01/2019 at 21:09 #115084
579 posts
Hi all,

During initial testing of a five day 1981 timetable I came across some difficulty in attaching an assisting loco to a train at Newton Abbot - something I've done before without issue.

The scenario is this.

1B02 is the overnight sleeper/mail and passenger train from Paddington to Penzance and loads to 14 Mk 1 vehicles plus a Class 50 locomotive with a length of 292 metres. It attaches an assisting engine to the front of the train, a Class 31 (17m long) at Newton Abbot in P3.

Platform 3 is 327 metres long. I originally had set 1B02 to arrive at Near End with an adjustment of 0 so as it would stop with the rear of the train just inside E11 signal at the north end of the platform leaving 35 metres clear at the west end to allow for the length of the Class 31 plus any discrepancies. The train duly arrives and runs in clear, and, after allowing the overlap to time off, drop the engine (default stopping position) onto the front of the train from Newton Abbot West.

They don't join, however. The F2 status entries change continuously, the loco entry alternating between "moving at 0 mph" and "1B02 in front". 1B02's entry alternates between "waiting for attaching train 0B02" and "0B02 in front"

I did a series of tests and no amount of juggling the relative stopping positions causes the two trains to join. Indeed the only thing that works is to show both loco and train to stop at the default position which causes 1B02 to stand foul of E11 signal, thus needing a manual cancellation of the route behind 1B02 from E386 after it has stopped in the platform, in order to time off the overlap.

Once that overlap times off, the loco can be dropped on the front, then for a few moments the status of the two trains again alternates but eventually they join.

It is me, or is there something amiss here - I've attached the "default position" scenario test timetable which can be adjusted as necessary to show the issue.


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Last edited: 26/01/2019 at 21:45 by VInce
Reason: None given

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