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Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 10:05 #115151
4869 posts
MarkC in post 115150 said:
ajax103 in post 115149 said:
Now got TeamSpeak 3 client installed but do I need to be a registered user to take part in sessions using it?

All I know with it is how to connect to it successfully but nothing else :(
When you next go on to Team Speak One of the Team Speak Admin (as long as one of them is online) will change you to registered, Its been a while but I belive you should still be able to swap channels and hear what is going on and use the message box.
You are correct sir, and it would be good to see you on again when you have time.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 11:36 #115153
1108 posts
MarkC in post 115150 said:
ajax103 in post 115149 said:
Now got TeamSpeak 3 client installed but do I need to be a registered user to take part in sessions using it?

All I know with it is how to connect to it successfully but nothing else :(
When you next go on to Team Speak One of the Team Speak Admin (as long as one of them is online) will change you to registered, Its been a while but I belive you should still be able to swap channels and hear what is going on and use the message box.
Okay I've now been updated to registered user now when people use team speak to talk/message when doing sessions, what do I need to do is ensure I'm actually seeing/hearing what's going on with that session?

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Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 11:44 #115154
1160 posts
Which Aaron?? There's a few of us including myself.. I'm ruled out?

Also I like the idea of the 'Community Hosts' it brings in new people as well as the regulars. I don't use TeamSpeak although I will opt to using it to listen etc. Yes these hosts may clash with other hosts but I don't mind that but other hosters may not like the idea, I host when I can but sometimes I'm either tired, tied up with timetables or helping a fellow member with a 'Sim'. I can only join/host sims that I have whether been payware/freeware etc.

'A community of people who are going through the same process or are trying to achieve a similar objective e.g SimSig'

Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 28/01/2019 at 11:45 by HST125Scorton
Reason: None given

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Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 11:44 #115155
1095 posts
ajax103 in post 115153 said:
MarkC in post 115150 said:
ajax103 in post 115149 said:
Now got TeamSpeak 3 client installed but do I need to be a registered user to take part in sessions using it?

All I know with it is how to connect to it successfully but nothing else :(
When you next go on to Team Speak One of the Team Speak Admin (as long as one of them is online) will change you to registered, Its been a while but I belive you should still be able to swap channels and hear what is going on and use the message box.
Okay I've now been updated to registered user now when people use team speak to talk/message when doing sessions, what do I need to do is ensure I'm actually seeing/hearing what's going on with that session?
As long as your speakers are on you will always here whats being said between users and when you type a message they should hear a sound to let them know that a message has been typed into the message box (at the bottom of team speak are some tabs ensure you select the one with the room name before you start typing)

Last edited: 28/01/2019 at 11:45 by MarkC
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: ajax103
Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 11:45 #115156
4869 posts
HST125Scorton in post 115154 said:
Which Aaron?? There's a few of us including myself.. I'm ruled out?

Also I like the idea of the 'Community Hosts' it brings in new people as well as the regulars. I don't use TeamSpeak although I will opt to using it to listen etc. Yes these hosts may clash with other hosts but I don't mind that, I host when I can but sometimes I'm either tired, tied up with timetables or helping a fellow member with a 'Sim'. I can only join/host sims that I have whether been payware/freeware etc.

'A community of people who are going through the same process or are trying to achieve a similar objective e.g SimSig'
It's not you either

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 12:04 #115157
1108 posts
Thanks to you and Headshot119 I've now got it up and running successfully so cheers
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Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 12:05 #115158
1095 posts
ajax103 in post 115157 said:
Thanks to you and Headshot119 I've now got it up and running successfully so cheers :)
You're welcome

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The following user said thank you: ajax103
Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 12:19 #115159
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
headshot119 in post 115156 said:
HST125Scorton in post 115154 said:
Which Aaron?? There's a few of us including myself.. I'm ruled out?

Also I like the idea of the 'Community Hosts' it brings in new people as well as the regulars. I don't use TeamSpeak although I will opt to using it to listen etc. Yes these hosts may clash with other hosts but I don't mind that, I host when I can but sometimes I'm either tired, tied up with timetables or helping a fellow member with a 'Sim'. I can only join/host sims that I have whether been payware/freeware etc.

'A community of people who are going through the same process or are trying to achieve a similar objective e.g SimSig'
It's not you either :)
According to my research he has not logged in under his last known nom de guerre for over a year now.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: postal
Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 13:33 #115160
5208 posts
HST125Scorton in post 115154 said:
Which Aaron?? There's a few of us including myself.. I'm ruled out?
Edited my original post to show as Kieran/Aaron.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 17:07 #115162
6326 posts
RE TeamSpeak in multiplayer - it is far easier to speak/listen than to type/read, especially if you're trying to multitask. Even if you don't have a microphone (or don't want to use it), just a set of headphones so you can hear what is going on improves the situation significantly.

Things like "Hey Bob, can you put the freighter between the express and the local at Giggleswick so I can get the next freighter out of my yard please?" - easier to say than to type while doing other things.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: ajax103, Ar88
Community hosts 28/01/2019 at 18:39 #115166
1108 posts
GeoffM in post 115162 said:
RE TeamSpeak in multiplayer - it is far easier to speak/listen than to type/read, especially if you're trying to multitask. Even if you don't have a microphone (or don't want to use it), just a set of headphones so you can hear what is going on improves the situation significantly.

Things like "Hey Bob, can you put the freighter between the express and the local at Giggleswick so I can get the next freighter out of my yard please?" - easier to say than to type while doing other things.
Which I will be trying for the first time tonight as I use Team Speak 1st for a hosted session of mine!

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Community hosts 01/02/2019 at 00:35 #115242
153 posts
Reading this thread and the whole situation is out of hand. No matter what people say I would still class teamspeak as a barrier to entry as I am a regular user and come across people who have never heard of it and refuse to get it along with having numerous problems with teamspeak itself. Rest assured I will try and get this thread and any arguments within under control under these sections.

Yes teamspeak is more realistic, yes teamspeak is easier for the regular user to communicate through. I've had the pleasure to even play on Carlisle with the Sims dev Tom using teamspeak.
However many people refuse to get teamspeak and have never heard of it, this has been a major problem with arma 3 life servers which they still face. Teamspeak also is know to break and have audio issues from inability to talk due to PTT overwritten by a game running in admin to users hotmicking and having massive feedback to those who don't use PTT as they don't know how to set it up.
Teamspeak has its advantages for realism and ease but for new players it is a steep learning curve to get it running properly and talking, not to mention alt tabbing every time you want to look at the messages or type a message. In this case teamspeak in this argument is neutral and thus irrelevant.

Rather controversial this section, yes many people don't even know the Facebook page exists but everybody can use the page to advertise sessions equally. Naming them community hosts are a bit deciveing as they are less by the regular hosting community such as Jamie (JAMS) and Michael and more by the development and testing team. A name change to developer assisted hosts or assisted hosts would more clearly express that they are run by Devs and testers there to assist. This point is a matter of what works best and therefore will be developed on over time as the best name is worked out. Thus this is irrelevant to argue about.

This is where most of the well founded argument is around. Looking at the pre planned schedule it is rather close together which yes allows a variety of people to get a chance comes into conflict with the regular and occasional hosters. The short notice of these is definitely something which could have been done better so the regular hosters can plan more in advance. The frequency of these every one to three days is a bit too much, it would be better to to run these assisted sessions once a week with a stagger so every session is 8 days from the previous so week 1 is Monday then week 2 is Tuesday and week 3 is Wednesday and so forth. This would continue to allow access to people available on different days while also allowing the occasional and regular hosters plenty of room around these highly sought after sessions (for being hosted by Devs and testers) to minimize the computing and help mitigate the lack of players from these sessions that Jamie experienced with CScot. This is the relevant subject to the topic and what the OP was aiming to get addressed.

Naming and use of teamspeak in regards to the aim of the thread is overerall irrelevant and has no use in being argued over. What we can do going on from here is to communicate in a civil manner and come to arrangements and agreements as to hosting schedules. The wiki is looking forward to a progressive overhaul of standardising layout and clarifications and I will ensure teamspeak and the Facebook page are discussed in the multiplayer and hosting area.

SamTDS - STDS | My comments are my opinions and interpretations and do not reflect on the wonderfull SimSig team. I am in no way part of the team.
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The following user said thank you: KymriskaDraken
Community hosts 01/02/2019 at 17:47 #115257
1108 posts
Team Speak has taken me years to be convinced literally, I now try to use it as much as I can for the simple reason that it's much more functional although I understand that some don't like using it for reasons of their own.

In any case I blame Headshot119 for my conversion

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The following user said thank you: headshot119
Community hosts 01/02/2019 at 18:59 #115260
153 posts
ajax103 in post 115257 said:
In any case I blame Headshot119 for my conversion :P
Ha Ha Ha, I was converted by my dad for flight sims

SamTDS - STDS | My comments are my opinions and interpretations and do not reflect on the wonderfull SimSig team. I am in no way part of the team.
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Community hosts 01/02/2019 at 19:07 #115261
6326 posts
SamTDS in post 115242 said:

This is where most of the well founded argument is around. Looking at the pre planned schedule it is rather close together which yes allows a variety of people to get a chance comes into conflict with the regular and occasional hosters. The short notice of these is definitely something which could have been done better so the regular hosters can plan more in advance. The frequency of these every one to three days is a bit too much, it would be better to to run these assisted sessions once a week with a stagger so every session is 8 days from the previous so week 1 is Monday then week 2 is Tuesday and week 3 is Wednesday and so forth. This would continue to allow access to people available on different days while also allowing the occasional and regular hosters plenty of room around these highly sought after sessions (for being hosted by Devs and testers) to minimize the computing and help mitigate the lack of players from these sessions that Jamie experienced with CScot. This is the relevant subject to the topic and what the OP was aiming to get addressed.
I really do not want to get into a situation where some protocol dictates who can host and when. It's a minefield of rules, exceptions, priorities - and people simply not agreeing. Participation is voluntary: if a host runs a game on a schedule that doesn't fit you, talk to the host - or run your own sessions.

If somebody wants a spur of the moment game then they should be able to do so with no complaints - anybody that hosts, whenever, should be appreciated for their efforts.

SimSig Boss
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Community hosts 02/02/2019 at 15:10 #115270
1108 posts
SamTDS in post 115260 said:
ajax103 in post 115257 said:
In any case I blame Headshot119 for my conversion :P
Ha Ha Ha, I was converted by my dad for flight sims
I can't fly any flight sims, I'm far better at SimSig!

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