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315 turns green if 312 pulled off

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315 turns green if 312 pulled off 26/08/2019 at 21:21 #120212
1128 posts

Curious thing I saw, which I was able to replicate (thankfully, as I was beginning to think I'd had too much coffee!)

Approach-controlled 315 is red when route set towards South Hampstead with no route to 315; yellow with feather and flashing yellows on approach when diverging.

However, the red aspect changes to green if 312 is routed to 106. Weirdly if you then cancel 315-903 and re-set it, it changes from red to green again. Only once you set a route from (e.g.) 313 to 315 and 315 to 106 does it then behave as normal.

Is this an error or really in the control tables?

Save attached just as it turned green.


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Jamie S (JAMS)
Last edited: 26/08/2019 at 21:27 by 9pN1SEAp
Reason: Extra notes.

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315 turns green if 312 pulled off 26/08/2019 at 22:43 #120216
6326 posts
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. The route from 291 to 315 to 903 is free green at 315 due to the speed of the crossover reversed, so they're more concerned about the straight (fast) route on the approach, ie from 313. So (313-)315-903 is a flashing yellow approach, which requires 313 to be capable of showing FY before 315 can show Y (this is a bit of a chicken and egg situation). But with the crossover immediately before 315 reversed, that approach control requirement is no longer met so it's free green.

That said, I don't have the control tables with me to be 100% sure. But even if 315 should be red with that crossover reversed, what does it actually gain since you can't approach it?

SimSig Boss
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