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Joining multiplayer games?

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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 11:35 #501
20 posts
Hiya folks, been playing SimSig for a while at home so i'm reasonably comfortable with how one-player works - but Trent and KX in particular exceed what I can manage sensibly on my own. So, not a newbie in terms of SimSig, but definately a newbie in terms of multiplayer! ;)

I've been digging around on here looking for info on how to join a multiplayer game to try and get a bit of experience on those, but I can't find a "how to" type thread and there's a "hole" in the Wiki as well...

I'm not sure whether I need any special equipment, whether I need to configure my system differently or install anything or whether I need to contact somebody specific?

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

Martyn Read
Exeter UK

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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 11:35 #5639
20 posts
Hiya folks, been playing SimSig for a while at home so i'm reasonably comfortable with how one-player works - but Trent and KX in particular exceed what I can manage sensibly on my own. So, not a newbie in terms of SimSig, but definately a newbie in terms of multiplayer! ;)

I've been digging around on here looking for info on how to join a multiplayer game to try and get a bit of experience on those, but I can't find a "how to" type thread and there's a "hole" in the Wiki as well...

I'm not sure whether I need any special equipment, whether I need to configure my system differently or install anything or whether I need to contact somebody specific?

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

Martyn Read
Exeter UK

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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 12:07 #5640
1841 posts
Hi Martin,
Joining multiplayer is easy, have a look at on the WIKI here, I'm sure you'll get looked after when you join in.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 12:33 #5643
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
One thing you can do, to get the idea, is to try and chain or do a multiplay within your own machine- just launch the sim twice follow the instructions for server and for client and use ID as the IP address. If you have it right you will have a proper connection.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 12:43 #5645
20 posts
Okay thanks guys - so you reckon the best way is to just go do it? I didn't want to wind anyone up by slowing up their experiences?
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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 14:20 #5653
160 posts
As a railway enthusiast I was a complete novice when I first started playing SimSig. I managed to get Royaton and LKX under my belt quickly (probably as LKX is a local sim for me) and then I went into the deep end by joining a Trent Multiplay. From then on, I haven't had that many problems. Join a multiplay and thats the best place to learn.

Most hosts, myself included, are happy to have someone just watching a MultiPlay game so that they can get used to the system etc. Most hosts will give all users the option as to which panel they would like (as long as it isn't taken by someone else) and for example, on LKX, a good starting MP panel would be Palace or Welwyn as, although they are busy, they aren't too difficult.

Just join the game, have a little watch, get involved, and feel all your fears wash away.

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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 14:46 #5656
20 posts
Thanks guys will give it a go
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Joining multiplayer games? 09/01/2010 at 19:59 #5663
1803 posts

I'm still a relative newbie myself (I've been a member of the forum/website/community for less than 3 months) so don't worry about how 'newbie' you may feel.

I can't really remember much about my first ever multiplayer game but what I do remember is how friendly everyone was! I'd been playing SimSig for a while before so I knew mostly what I was doing and anything I didn't know I either worked it out on the spot or I asked.

Despite the fact I've been playing SimSig both soloplayer and multiplayer for a number of months now I still have the few occasions when I need help signalling a train (as in need help understanding a timing point on a train's timetable). Thankfully I am generally a fast learner and so have picked up most things very quickly, but naturally I do still make mistakes..but that is what makes me human.

So don't ever be afraid to join a multiplayer game and certainly don't be afraid to ask any questions during the game and also on the forum too.

I can happily report I have never received a negative response from any questions I have ever asked so I'd imagine you would find the same thing too.

All the best / Good Luck / etc,

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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