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SPAD 09/01/2010 at 21:07 #507
152 posts
There are various "problems" that one has to cope with in SimSig, failures of signals, points, etc; all of which seem to happen much more often that in real life.

One thing I have never seen, however, is a train accidentally pass a red signal, something which I am sure does happen, and probably more frequently than points failure!

Whenever a route is set there is always some overlap - it would be good to see this put to use!! Also perhaps an overrun at a station, and a phone call requesting permission to reverse back into the platform to allow passengers to disembark! (responses "yes, it is safe to draw back" or "no, there is another unit behind, please proceed to the next station" (or words to that effect!)


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SPAD 09/01/2010 at 21:07 #5665
152 posts
There are various "problems" that one has to cope with in SimSig, failures of signals, points, etc; all of which seem to happen much more often that in real life.

One thing I have never seen, however, is a train accidentally pass a red signal, something which I am sure does happen, and probably more frequently than points failure!

Whenever a route is set there is always some overlap - it would be good to see this put to use!! Also perhaps an overrun at a station, and a phone call requesting permission to reverse back into the platform to allow passengers to disembark! (responses "yes, it is safe to draw back" or "no, there is another unit behind, please proceed to the next station" (or words to that effect!)


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SPAD 09/01/2010 at 21:18 #5666
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
It is a policy postition that we do not do SPADs in SimSig. The matter has been discussed at length before- but that is the position.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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SPAD 09/01/2010 at 21:29 #5667
152 posts
OK, fair enough, sorry i mentioned it.
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SPAD 10/01/2010 at 00:02 #5670
6360 posts
The reality is there is less than one SPAD per day across the entire network. This means the average signaller sees only a couple of SPADs in his entire career. Both figures quoted to me so I cannot vouch for their accuracy.

Point/track/signal failures are, however, far more common.

SimSig Boss
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SPAD 10/01/2010 at 10:17 #5675
5239 posts

Presumably Category A SPADs - Network Rail quote 294 in this category in 2008/9 (http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/4821.aspx) which aligns with your anecdotal evidence.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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SPAD 10/01/2010 at 12:06 #5678
1728 posts
Perhaps it's worth giving the main reason (as I understand it) that SPADs aren't going to be simulated: that a SPAD in real life is the possible precursor to an accident and the developers didn't feel that was an appropriate thing to include - someone once pointed out (on the old Forum) that SimSig is not a shoot-em-up game.

The one exception that was accepted as reasonable was SPADing a signal returned to danger in the driver's face, when approach locking would be holding up a safe route in any case - this is the crucial point since it means no accident is possible - and the consequent delays could also be simulated (and probably inflict even greater points penalties than the present system). It's also just occurred to me that a signal returned to red by an aspect failure in a signal ahead would also appear as a similar SPAD. (Am I right in thinking these are both known as Cat B?)

I've no idea whether anything more was done on this idea, or even whether it's still on anyone's list of possibles for some time in the future. At the moment I suspect the developers have other fish to fry.

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SPAD 10/01/2010 at 12:07 #5679
152 posts
I see.

I wonder if there are any figures published for other failures - specifically point failures which in SimSig seem far too common - 2 or 3 per shift in a relatively small area ...


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SPAD 10/01/2010 at 14:24 #5681
160 posts
Well, points failures can happen due to a number of reasons but one reason (especially in the light of the present conditions) is the heating systems failing.

It is quite possible that the host wishes to simulate a winter day and therefore sets Points Failures a bit higher than normal. TCFs and Signal failures might also happen more often due to the coldness interfering with anything that may require some sort of cable as repeated heating and cooling can cause fractures in that type of thing.

It all depends on the conditions as to how often they happen. I remember quite recently an actual signaller said something about the maximum number of failures he's had at one time is 6. Now if you can have 6 at one time; chances are atleast one of those is probably a points failure. Now if you put that across an entire shift of around 8? hours; 2/3 points failures a day is feasible; especially if they wern't fixed properly the first time.

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SPAD 10/01/2010 at 14:44 #5683
989 posts
Thursday saw 4 points faulres & 1 TCF all at the same time! Snow in the points & heaters either not fitted or not working.
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SPAD 11/01/2010 at 13:40 #5722
142 posts
RAIB report on "Carstair, 22nd Dec" should make an interesting read when it comes out.

Freight train ran through 2 consecutive reds, then took 2 miles to complete a brake application.
Involved close calls for two passenger trains.

Initial RAIB statement, "Braking effect was less than to be expected from this class of train".

Dave M.

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SPAD 12/01/2010 at 10:07 #5755
1728 posts
caedave said:
RAIB report on "Carstair, 22nd Dec" should make an interesting read when it comes out.

Freight train ran through 2 consecutive reds, then took 2 miles to complete a brake application.
Involved close calls for two passenger trains.

Initial RAIB statement, "Braking effect was less than to be expected from this class of train".

Dave M.

Which, I think, says exactly why we don't want SPADs simulated in SimSig. I've been a signalman. Nowadays I'm a psychotherapist so I earn my bread & butter by imagining other peoples' emotional states. And I can scarcely imagine - scarcely bear to try even - what the signalmen there must've gone through in the period between realising they had a runaway and the ECML train clearing the junction. No thank you, that's not what I Simsig for!!!!!!!

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SPAD 12/01/2010 at 12:05 #5758
142 posts
Too true. We have been fortunate throughout our railway history in SPAD's being few and far between. Time table writers can give us enough SOLVABLE problems
without trying to introduce SPAD's. Realism is one thing, but lets keep it within bounds. Simsig is for pleasure, not for inducing cold sweats.

Dave M.

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