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ECS/Early Running

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ECS/Early Running 25/07/2020 at 23:23 #129964
2 posts

During the early morning or late evening mostly when ECS or freight are running early/late

How can you release the train early? I know you can edit the timetable but does this any effect the next time you run the simulation.......i.e if i edit a timetable for a particular train will this mean when i next start the sim it will keep what i have edited?

Basically,i want to release a train forward before it's booked time. (ECS/early freight)

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ECS/Early Running 25/07/2020 at 23:36 #129965
1586 posts
johnellis75 in post 129964 said:

During the early morning or late evening mostly when ECS or freight are running early/late

How can you release the train early? I know you can edit the timetable but does this any effect the next time you run the simulation.......i.e if i edit a timetable for a particular train will this mean when i next start the sim it will keep what i have edited?

Basically,i want to release a train forward before it's booked time. (ECS/early freight)
If you just edit the train's timetable on the fly (via the F2 trains list) it will only effect that running of the simulation.

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ECS/Early Running 26/07/2020 at 00:42 #129970
5208 posts
Speaking from memory, Classes 1/2/5 work to their TTs (i.e. they will wait for due time before moving). Classes 3/4/6/7/8 are not forced to wait for time (but may do if the core code decides so). Can't remember how Class 9s work as some Class 9s are now Passenger workings.

That means that you are at the mercy of the core code for Classes 3/4/6/7/8 but can influence Classes 1/2/5. If you adjust the TT for a train in one of those three classes to a set-down only stop, the core code will normally allow the train to depart early. The caveat is that on a small number of occasions the core code will hold the train until due time.

If you want to change things on a permanent basis you can edit the TT then save it (maybe under a new name so that you have the original retained as a baseline). If you only want to prod things along in your current run you can edit the TT on the fly as JamesN has suggested. If you have a Class3/4/6/7/8 that is sitting and you wish to push along, editing the TT to set-down only does not affect the situation. You either need to abandon the TT then re-instate it after the train has moved off or edit the TT on the fly by adjusting the current/next location.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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ECS/Early Running 26/07/2020 at 18:44 #129983
190 posts
A trick that may work in many cases is to use the F2 train list to issue the affected train two commands in the following order:

1: Go non-stop through next station.
2: Shunt forward.

You can also use the "go non-stop" command by itself to prevent a train from sitting down, if you catch it before it actually halts.

Bear in mind that there's probably a good reason for the train to make this stop in the first place. In many TTs, it may represent a crew change even if not marked as such (as that's a pretty recently added feature). In other cases it's a crew PNB, so forcing the train to continue early might cause an hours violation. Better, if the track layout permits, to keep the train out of the way until time.

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