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F5 Scores

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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 16:17 #134219
Red For Danger
171 posts
Apologies if this is covered elsewhere but I have searched the Wiki and Forum but not been able to find an answer, but can somebody provide a list of the penalties that are applied to each of the sections of the F5 scoring window, particularly the "other points lost' section.....?

Also, can somebody clarify if all Sims use the same scoring methods, or is there an element where each Sim author can change the penalties to suit the area.....?


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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 16:23 #134220
4869 posts
I can't say I know enough to give you a comprehensive answer, however I do know as a sim developer I can build in "Other points lost" penalties for certain user actions. Attempting to reverse the plain lined crossover on Newport for example rewards the player with taking some points away.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 18:14 #134223
6360 posts
I don't want to go in to specifics as that'll just create another argument about the scores on the doors. I have made a correction for seeded trains (not yet released) but as I've said before, you should just aim to get a higher score than last time and not worry about specifics. As Karl says, "other points lost" can be at the whim of the sim developer.
SimSig Boss
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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 18:20 #134224
Stephen Fulcher
2066 posts
If I remember rightly, leaving a level crossing down too long without a train goes against other points lost.
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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 20:04 #134229
Red For Danger
171 posts
GeoffM in post 134223 said:
I don't want to go in to specifics as that'll just create another argument about the scores on the doors. I have made a correction for seeded trains (not yet released) but as I've said before, you should just aim to get a higher score than last time and not worry about specifics. As Karl says, "other points lost" can be at the whim of the sim developer.
I appreciate the can of worms of discussions it will open re the right scores for each penalty, but surely if you are trying to improve your score then you need to know the points penalties - for instance, if you have a delayed train in a platform, is it better to re-platform a following service or take the points penalty for waiting for the platform to clear....? (I know there is a workround to edit the tt to change the platform but I used this as a simple example of the kind of decisions we need to take all the time when operating a Sim....)

Forgive me, but it's a bit like aiming for a high break score when playing snooker but not knowing the points for each colour ball.......

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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 22:42 #134236
6360 posts
Like I've already said, I'm not going in to detail. The scenarios you mention are already covered in the minutes section. Other penalties are reported as well as scored. Everything else is sim-dependent. I don't play snooker.
SimSig Boss
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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 22:58 #134238
3672 posts
I think the slippery slope occurs here because the score isn't really reflective of real life efficiency and correct procedure. You could replatform a train rather than hold it which is the most point efficient way of doing things, but IRL would be a bad call for a specific reason (limited disabled access to that platform, no access for parcels BRUTES etc), which Simsig can't really take account of.

take London bridge for instance, there's virtually no real life consequence to replatforming an up train due to the frequency of services into cannon street and Charing cross, however Simsig will still penalise you for a changed platform, where in real life the focus would likely be on keeping traffic flowing.

You can look broadly at minutes lost/recovered to give you an idea of how you did. the issue with that is you'll be penalised for a late train that enters late and looses further time out of path, or is detained at a station which isn't your fault.

I personally always say ignore the score, focus on keeping wrong routes, ACOAs etc to 0 and use the window to chart how many times this occurs, nothing more.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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F5 Scores 28/11/2020 at 23:04 #134240
6360 posts
Here we go yet again. I'm not having this discussion, sorry.
SimSig Boss
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