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I'm getting really frustrated now

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I'm getting really frustrated now 06/12/2020 at 20:17 #134415
599 posts
I'm online, and yet still the game has shown expired

This is really frustrating. I end up just playing games that are free, because they don't expire.

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Last edited: 06/12/2020 at 20:35 by Guts
Reason: None given

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I'm getting really frustrated now 06/12/2020 at 20:24 #134416
6359 posts
Are you locking the licenses to your machine or using them dynamically? Try the opposite of whatever you're doing now.
SimSig Boss
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I'm getting really frustrated now 06/12/2020 at 20:39 #134417
599 posts
They're locked, I'll try Dynamic
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I'm getting really frustrated now 14/12/2020 at 10:09 #134711
599 posts
I unlocked Manchester Picc, East, and Stockport. They both just crashed and closed.

I think is said lost connection to server. All have shutdown, though it said a saved file has been created. I'm not always in a place where I can get service or wifi, so I hope you can understand my frustration.

This is Loader 5.12

Has that dynamic suggestion changed since the update??

Last edited: 14/12/2020 at 10:12 by Guts
Reason: None given

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I'm getting really frustrated now 14/12/2020 at 13:06 #134718
1021 posts
Guts in post 134711 said:
I unlocked Manchester Picc, East, and Stockport. They both just crashed and closed.

I think is said lost connection to server. All have shutdown, though it said a saved file has been created. I'm not always in a place where I can get service or wifi, so I hope you can understand my frustration.

This is Loader 5.12

Has that dynamic suggestion changed since the update??

Guts, Dynamic licensing requires an internet connection. If your internet has dropped then a save is taken before the sim closes.

If you are going to be offline or know that your internet service could be interrupted then it is best to lock the licences to your machine whilst you have an internet connection.

Just want to double check, but you have actually purchased these sims that you are attempting to play?



Dynamic Licensing
By default, licenses are allocated to a user's computer dynamically. This means that when the Loader is started, the Loader contacts the SimSig server and checks to see if the user has a License available. If it is, the License is allocated to the user's machine for the duration of the game, and released back to the server at the end.

This allows a user to run SimSig on different computers without having to move the license between each one. Note, however, that a user's license can only be used on one computer at the same time- if you're running a simulation on one PC, then log into the Loader on a second PC, the second PC won't be able to run the same simulation (except in Demo mode). It is also unaffected by users changing, upgrading or modifying their computer, which can cause problems with licenses locked to a specific computer.

Dynamic licensing requires an internet connection throughout the game. If the connection is lost for longer than a few minutes, the simulation will close, after prompting the user to save their game. The License will become available on the SimSig server shortly afterwards.

If a license is available for use, the signal icon next to the simulation will show green.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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I'm getting really frustrated now 14/12/2020 at 15:51 #134727
Stephen Fulcher
2066 posts
Definitely seems like something wrong with your computer or connection, nobody else seems to be having this level of difficulty
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I'm getting really frustrated now 14/12/2020 at 21:38 #134749
963 posts
I'm also having licence issues.

I have a new computer so SimSig was installed from scratch. The Loader correctly identifies which licences I have, but with certain sims I get an error saying that I can not use that sim.

Everything was working correctly on my old computer.


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I'm getting really frustrated now 14/12/2020 at 21:57 #134750
262 posts
Which sims in particular? I've recently moved to a new computer but have had no issues with SimSig so far
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I'm getting really frustrated now 14/12/2020 at 22:07 #134751
6359 posts
Trainfan344 in post 134750 said:
Which sims in particular?
Agreed, need actual information on exactly which sims in order to investigate.

SimSig Boss
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I'm getting really frustrated now 15/12/2020 at 12:55 #134758
963 posts
I can't say in public which sims they are. Which is why I didn't say.


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I'm getting really frustrated now 15/12/2020 at 16:22 #134760
6359 posts
KymriskaDraken in post 134758 said:
I can't say in public which sims they are. Which is why I didn't say.

We're aware of the unique issue you are having, and have already advised you at least twice we are looking into the problem. It's not a problem that will affect other users due to its unique nature.

SimSig Boss
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I'm getting really frustrated now 15/12/2020 at 17:03 #134761
963 posts
GeoffM in post 134760 said:
KymriskaDraken in post 134758 said:
I can't say in public which sims they are. Which is why I didn't say.

We're aware of the unique issue you are having, and have already advised you at least twice we are looking into the problem. It's not a problem that will affect other users due to its unique nature.
Can we try and find a workround? For instance, revoking those licences and re-issuing them? I realise that it's a unique problem, but it is an extremely frustrating one.



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I'm getting really frustrated now 15/12/2020 at 18:02 #134763
6359 posts
KymriskaDraken in post 134761 said:
GeoffM in post 134760 said:
KymriskaDraken in post 134758 said:
I can't say in public which sims they are. Which is why I didn't say.

We're aware of the unique issue you are having, and have already advised you at least twice we are looking into the problem. It's not a problem that will affect other users due to its unique nature.
Can we try and find a workround? For instance, revoking those licences and re-issuing them? I realise that it's a unique problem, but it is an extremely frustrating one.


For the third (at least) and final time, it is in Mantis, it will be looked at, and paid simulations take priority support over freebies for former testers.

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: Stephen Fulcher