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Manchester Piccadilly 11/12/20 *Real Time Session with live delays*

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Manchester Piccadilly 11/12/20 *Real Time Session with live delays* 11/12/2020 at 07:36 #134582
235 posts
Final call for today’s session!

*7 hour Real Time Simulation* - Manchester Piccadilly 2020

Session Time: 12:30 - 19:30 GMT
Sim Start 12:30

Its Friday 11th December 2020 and you are working a 1230-19:30 shift covering various panels across central Manchester. (pre-covid!)

*Please see information sheet below for information relating to this Session including TSRs, timetable info, Live real world running and stock information*


I appreciate a friday afternoon may not be easy for most to commit to but heres to hoping some can join in the fun, to enable a degree of planning after signing up please inform me of the panels you wish to take and i will update the following spreadsheet accordingly.

You can sign up for what you want and as many as you want (1 panel per hour, 2 max consecutive hours on the same panel).

ARS is enabled but can be switched off per panel accordingly.

Its a typical Friday on the railway so of course expect delays.

Dont let this put you off but in my sessions I expect a degree of proffesionalism and realism to make the session feel like a true simulation of the real thing.

Host will act as TOC/Route Control during disruption and may ask signallers to turn trains early or work to ammend timetables.

*TeamSpeak required*

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