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Wrong Platform Question

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Wrong Platform Question 14/12/2020 at 18:12 #134740
270 posts
I have a question about being dinged for the wrong platform. I seems that sometimes you can wrong platform a train and you don't get dinged in the Performance Analysis Report, and sometimes you do. That is, sometimes the listed platform in the timetable seems to be a suggestion (and you can use a different platform without penalty) and sometimes it seems to be a requirement (in which case you get a penalty for using a different platform). My question is, is there anyway by looking at the timetable to know which case it will be?


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Wrong Platform Question 14/12/2020 at 19:39 #134746
6360 posts
It depends on the location. SimSig has a number of options for the developer:
1. If either the timetable or the location doesn't have a platform number assigned then nothing happens to the score.
2. The developer can specify an alternate, which is usually the opposite face of the same physical platform, resulting in a lower score than the correct platform.
3. The developer can group some platforms as a single platform, such as 1A/1B/1 all being the same platform.

Also, with #1, while the platform code can be in the drop-down for the timetable editor, the tracks themselves might not be allocated a platform code. A lot of two-platform uni-directional through stations have codes of 1 and 2 these days, even though each direction can only reach one platform anyway. I believe this is something to do with their planning tools needing a unique reference node. In such cases I'll add the codes in to the drop-down but not allocate on the tracks.

SimSig Boss
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