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Piccadilly downloads tidy-up

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Piccadilly downloads tidy-up 02/01/2021 at 13:15 #135876
377 posts
Could one of the Mods assist me by doing a little tidying up of my Manchester Piccadilly timetables in the downloads please?

1) Delete the four files labelled Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 (all V1.0 or V1.1 dating from February 2018)
2) Rename the remaining four 1989 files to start with Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 (i.e. add April in each case)
3) Delete V2.1 files for the 1991 and 1996 timetables (superseded by V2.2 which are also present)

Re item (3), my understanding was that in submitting new files with updated version numbering the previous one would get overwritten. That seemed to be working OK, but for some reason hasn't occurred with the V2.1 to V2.2 change. Have I done something or is there a glitch in the SimSig system?

Thank you

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Piccadilly downloads tidy-up 02/01/2021 at 13:40 #135880
1378 posts
You are better off editing your submissions.

So for (1) edit the description to 'Please reject', the Mod will then reject your revised submission and it is gone. Hopefully the ability to delete your own submissions will come along sometime.

For (2) yes you can edit. The upload will vanish (briefly) although there is a risk of being rejected if it is not in line with current practice. The Mod does not know it is just an edit.

For (3), as you suspect now, edit rather than a new upload.

In cases (2) & (3) I suggest you take a local copy of the description text that you enter in case it gets lost.


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