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I'm having trouble with Sticky Notes positioning

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I'm having trouble with Sticky Notes positioning 08/01/2021 at 21:28 #136122
1748 posts
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Last edited: 08/01/2021 at 21:38 by bugsy
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I'm having trouble with Sticky Notes positioning 08/01/2021 at 21:39 #136123
1748 posts
I've just resumed a saved Central Scotland game and now when right click to open a sticky note they keep opening in the top left of my Laptop screen which is the central one of my three, whereas before, they opened in the position of the right click, wherever that click was made.
I've not changed anything.
Does anyone know why this is now happening?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Edit: They now appear in the position shown on the screenshot. As you can see, it's position is a tad annoying, although I could live with it if I had to because generally I only put a train's TD or a time in the box

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