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Contacting drivers

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Contacting drivers 02/02/2021 at 00:41 #136956
587 posts
Something I will just point out, is that while there are situations in discussion in this thread that are, or are not permissible under the UK Rule Book, remember that Simsig is now multinational, so something that isn't acceptable to the Brits, might actually be accepted practice in Australia.

We ought to be very careful deciding on one particular direction without considering how that will impact on other countries.

Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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Contacting drivers 02/02/2021 at 02:31 #136957
512 posts
postal in post 136940 said:
Looks like the confusion may have arisen because of my wording in my earlier posting. The original proposal on Mantis in 2012 included:

The rule book (GERT8000-TS1, section 20.6.2) gives the following instructions for a train due to pass a TCF on an adjacent line:

If the first train to pass on a line immediately next to the affected
line before the affected line is examined, the driver of this train
must be told:
• what is happening
• the locations between which the adjacent line is affected by the
track circuit
• to pass the affected portion of line at caution
• to report as soon as possible if anything is wrong.
This section is still current in Version 14 of the Rule Book TS1 and was the section to which I was trying to refer. That is what the Mantis proposal was trying to replicate.
That's exactly right and it would be a 'nice-to-have'. When I'm practising (would probably look a bit tragic if anyone could see me ) I do try and simulate this by stopping the train on the adjacent line but of course we can't actually caution the train in the sim. But then in real life you wouldn't be looking after 3 panels at once, say, so it's alright I think if the train proceeds a little bit quicker than it should

Mikehax in post 136944 said:
Surprised no one's mentioned Rule Book Module AC and examination of the OHLE.
Doesn't seem to be an option on Simsig. And that is a definite case of examining from the opposite line.
That's a very good point is that, I didn't think of that.

Of course, I can't resist saying that in that situation the driver isn't examining the adjacent line, they're examining the OLE, but no doubt it is a train on an unaffected line that's doing the examination. It's certainly another situation where it would be nice to have a train on an adjacent line travel at caution speed in the sim and (in this case) report back as well.

I actually would genuinely love the ability to caution trains arbitrarily, but I can see it being ... a distant, lofty goal

Last edited: 02/02/2021 at 02:31 by TUT
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: postal
Contacting drivers 11/02/2021 at 21:05 #137148
15 posts
Hello. First time posting here. As a driver myself I have thought when playing SimSig it would be useful to have a contact driver option. I’ve often had a contact signaller or incoming call about a wrong route set up ahead. General Broadcasts would be something that is GSM-R which would be useful in game perhaps?

One thing that would be useful (as a driver I never thought I’d say this!) would be an SG/Wait button instead of being called when detained at a signal. On my patch if I called every 2/5/15 minutes I was detained on a red I would be seriously unpopular!! The option to just hit ‘wait’ might be useful from time to time.

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Contacting drivers 12/02/2021 at 13:21 #137167
1587 posts
I think as has been mentioned a few times already in this thread -

GSM-R has only existed for 8 or 9 years on most lines, SimSig simulates back a lot further than that in many cases. It also doesn’t exist at all on the non-UK lines simulated.

Being able to carry out any action you would on a phone call via right-clicking on the train in the train list; is a close enough analogue.

Last edited: 12/02/2021 at 13:22 by JamesN
Reason: None given

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Contacting drivers 12/02/2021 at 13:33 #137168
15 posts
We do have the option within the game for a lot of sims to select an era, it may be a lot of work which may not make it worthwhile but potentially is there an option to tailor communications to the era a simulation is being run in?
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Contacting drivers 12/02/2021 at 13:51 #137170
1587 posts
Possibly, I don’t know how much work would be involved, but it circles back around to why?

Where do you stop if you start going down the road of changing that based on x, y or z? What about CSR, NRN, RETB or whatever systems our Australian friends use? Those interfaces are very different to GSM-R again; and some are/were fitted concurrently.

The current UI is a good compromise in capability between old and new, British and International and so on.

One thing SimSig does fairly well, is it is accessible to all, with a relatively shallow learning curve to just basic play and enjoyment. If users have to navigate umpteen different communications systems then is it going to stay that way.

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Contacting drivers 12/02/2021 at 13:58 #137172
Red For Danger
171 posts
It's easy to simulate the older eras before GSM-R..... All you need do is ignore the temptation to call the driver from the F2 menu and instead wait for them to contact you. It also adds another level of entertainment when you accidentally tell them to wait for 15 mins when you should have told them to pass the signal at danger or inspect the line and then have to wait for another 15 mins to get the sim moving again but that' another matter altogether..... :-)
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Contacting drivers 12/02/2021 at 15:32 #137177
15 posts
JamesN in post 137170 said:
One thing SimSig does fairly well, is it is accessible to all, with a relatively shallow learning curve to just basic play and enjoyment. If users have to navigate umpteen different communications systems then is it going to stay that way.
I don't know how much code is involved, so please all note that I am just making suggestions. They may well be completely unfeasible but I thought it was worth mentioning the ideas in my head.

You could of course (potentially!) adjust the level of communication by the difficulty level.

One thing that I do find in the real world, is the reply 'Wait' without the 'for x amount of minutes and contact back' and that would be useful if you could just dismiss an incoming call or 'SG' with a 'Wait' and leave it there!

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Contacting drivers 12/02/2021 at 17:41 #137185
40 posts
The most frustrating example of the "wait x minutes" is actually at Token Exchange Points.

I had two trains follow each other from Pontypridd to Porth and whie the second train waited for the first to reach Ystrad Rhondda, I got a call every single two minutes from the driver sat at Porth.
And the same then happened when the second train got to Ystrad Rhonnda while the first had to get to Treherbert *and back* - I was not a happy bunny.
So an instant improvement would be to implement the 5 and 15 minute option on drivers calling to get tokens on a single line.

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The following users said thank you: Dionysusnu, StepSig
Contacting drivers 13/02/2021 at 00:44 #137190
6325 posts
alrispoli in post 137168 said:
We do have the option within the game for a lot of sims to select an era, it may be a lot of work which may not make it worthwhile but potentially is there an option to tailor communications to the era a simulation is being run in?
Off the top of my head I can think of maybe a dozen systems in use in the UK that I've seen - I'm sure there are many more. Even CSR had at least two variations that operated slightly different from each other. Concentrator panels came in many forms. I think there are at least 2 GSM-R brands in operation in the UK too.

Even if we could do all the work for each of those types, the knowledge of how they worked is going to be hard to get, especially for obsolete systems.

Not feasible I'm afraid.

SimSig Boss
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Contacting drivers 13/02/2021 at 02:24 #137192
15 posts
Thank you Geoff for the reply, as I said before they’re only ideas I had really. I’ve no idea what is feasible and what’s not.

Perhaps if it’s not too difficult an SG followed by ‘wait’ without the call back in x mins option could be considered? But again if that’s a lot of work it’s obviously not needed. I only mention that because we all know as drivers an SG will 95% of the time return a simple ‘wait’ response whether that’s on CSR or on GSMR!

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Contacting drivers 13/02/2021 at 08:24 #137195
197 posts
I remember the way we (Signallers) did it before radio. You would flash the signal from stop to clear and back to stop. The driver would usually call you on the signal telephone to find out what was going on. Probably not a very good idea these days.
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The following user said thank you: Dionysusnu
Contacting drivers 13/02/2021 at 08:45 #137196
1719 posts
ozrail in post 137195 said:
I remember the way we (Signallers) did it before radio. You would flash the signal from stop to clear and back to stop. The driver would usually call you on the signal telephone to find out what was going on. Probably not a very good idea these days.
I think I'd have been on a Form 1 if I'd done that on this side of the world.

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