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[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand

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[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 14/05/2021 at 21:41 #139480
166 posts
At current when a train is seeded in it is traveling at 0mph.
Please could this be changed such trains are traveling at whatever speed they would normally be doing in their location. Goods trains seeded in the middle of nowhere which would be traveling at ~60mph need to ramp up from 0, which with the acceleration curves takes a while to do.

I know you'd need to change the load in process / order.
Currently trains seed, then routes are set then signals change. For seeding at speed you'd need to set routes, change signals, then seed trains. As a side effect it would remove the messages about a seeded train waiting at a red signal 2 seconds after being seeded.

How you calculate the speed I'm not sure, possibly line speed or whatever speed it would be on it's breaking curve for the next station or signal

Additionally if it is done, then an option to seed trains, on demand, mid sim would be awesome; for setting up scenarios for testing functionality or demonstrating & replicating a bug. not useful to actual gameplay, but I would think it would allow sim testers to fuzz a junction or station in pre-release testing more easily.


The train now standing on platform 2, should be on the rails
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[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 14/05/2021 at 22:18 #139483
5239 posts
Or you can fudge it by seeding one signal forward of their due location at seed time.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: Hap, sunocske
[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 14/05/2021 at 22:30 #139485
1378 posts
rfw in post 139480 said:
At current when a train is seeded in it is traveling at 0mph.
For seeding at speed you'd need to set routes, change signals, then seed trains. As a side effect it would remove the messages about a seeded train waiting at a red signal 2 seconds after being seeded.
The 'waiting at red' is because the default seeding is 15m from the signal. Change that to 50 where needed and there is no report.


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[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 15/05/2021 at 06:06 #139488
1111 posts
Changing the load order would be pointless for ARS sims. You need the train to seed before a route can be set.

I am totally against seeding on the fly, I wouldn't want to be spending time looking for fixes for a bundled timetable that has been caused by the user adding seeds on the fly.

The only thing that would possibly make any sense would be to set the default seed distance back a little, as Bill suggests, which would get rid of the 'stood at red message'. If the stood at red messages bother you that much, you can remove them from the message window in 2 clicks. The stood at red message is handy at sim startup for non ARS sims so you can set routes up before setting the sim running.

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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The following users said thank you: Stephen Fulcher, postal, Hap
[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 15/05/2021 at 20:41 #139502
2774 posts
I am totally against seeding on the fly. Seeding is used to make the initial state of the simulation realistic - before I added it, people had to run trains from the nearest entry point and park them in the right place. The first hour of a sim could be getting the situation to how it should be. That's all gone now. But having the Hand of God put a train into the sim while running is totally unrealistic.

Seeding at speed seems reasonable. Just adding it to the timetabling system as a new field in the timetable would be quite easy, but - as you say - you'd have issues with setting routes. Though nothing stops players using the "start paused" feature and stroking the routes required. I accept it will take a little while for the routes to come up.

(Hmm, it would be possible to add the necessary route requests to the timetable somehow. Probably better done as part of something that's in my to-do list than as part of seeding.)

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[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 15/05/2021 at 20:46 #139503
1315 posts
Having routes in the TT also poses a higher risk of TTs becoming incompatible with a sim update.

Timing points don't change so often, (although sometimes they do,) but route identities could change with sim updates.

AJP in games
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[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 15/05/2021 at 20:54 #139504
1378 posts
Seeding is indeed artifical, so the only requirement is for seed trains to reach their first real timing point on time.

I would say it is the job of the timetable writer to set the seeding offset so that seed trains achieve this, on the basis that routes either set via ARS, are clear anyway (autos) or are set manually from a paused start.

So the seeding offset will be slightly further back than 'at speed' would suggest to allow for acceleration.

If a start up run on 'perfect' throws delays to seeded trains it is a timetable bug.


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The following user said thank you: postal
[Feature Request] Seeding at speed & on demand 16/05/2021 at 18:41 #139528
166 posts
Since originally posting this and seeing replies I have learned a few things I shall apply to my timetable I have been writing for Oxted on and off for the last 2 and a bit years (only programmed four hours of movements). I'd not used the seeding offset as I don't touch what I don't know what it does, but will implement this when it makes sense.
It has also been a while since I played a timetable through or have picked the in progress timetable back up, so I did misremember about the seeding on a track section.
Startup run & it being a thing for an TT author to consider - point taken
On the topic of on demand, I was not suggesting on the fly, but as a tool to assist with testing (see remark on fuzzing a junction) & timetabling in the simulator without needing to restart the sim to get them to appear. It would be a deliberate act by the user to make the program look at which seed trains have not entered yet and enter them on demand - effectively running the seeding code at a time other than when loading in.


The train now standing on platform 2, should be on the rails
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