Cautioned train running at full speed

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Cautioned train running at full speed 29/08/2021 at 15:41 #141411
1207 posts

In a chain with VS, a fault developed which caused circuit TFD to show occupied with no train on line (down line through Kemsing station).

A train which sent SG at VS337 was instructed to PSAD and examine the line. However after it transferred it was running at line speed towards ME151.

2009 TT with VS in appropriate era, and Maidstone on "Beechbrook Open" era. Alas, no save from the time.


Jamie S (JAMS)
Last edited: 29/08/2021 at 16:09 by 9pN1SEAp
Reason: None given

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Cautioned train running at full speed 29/08/2021 at 16:53 #141413
895 posts
Mantis 34479 against Core Code

It appears that the examine the line code is not transferred across to a chained sim. This may be a limitation of the chaining but Geoff/Clive should be able to confirm if that's the case

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