Trains not stepping up from Wembley Yard RP

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Trains not stepping up from Wembley Yard RP 12/04/2022 at 19:32 #146116
1207 posts

It was reported to me (by Splodge - thanks!), and I was able to reproduce in the attached, that trains timed at Wembley Yard Relieving Point do not then step up their TT and get stuck with next location Sudbury Jn.

The location Sudbury Jn cannot be removed from the TT without a pathing error in validation.


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Jamie S (JAMS)
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Trains not stepping up from Wembley Yard RP 12/04/2022 at 19:53 #146117
4870 posts
You've got Wembley Yard Relieving Point Point out of order in the timetable for south bound trains. It should be Sudbury Junction > Wembley Yard Relieving Point.

It's a none key location like an intermediate station on a none ARS sim so hasn't thrown up in the analyser.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Trains not stepping up from Wembley Yard RP 13/04/2022 at 07:57 #146124
1207 posts
Thanks Karl,

I'm sure this wasn't an issue before the current version (1.4) of Wembley. The analyzer doesn't give a "location out of order" warning.

I'll update and re-release my 2020 TT in due course then.


Jamie S (JAMS)
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Trains not stepping up from Wembley Yard RP 13/04/2022 at 15:25 #146129
895 posts
The analyser won’t give a location out of order error as the validator only checks that the key locations are in order which they are. The relieving point is not a key locations, and so is ignored in the validator. The location will have been made as a non key location to help keep the path file size down. I also suspect in this instance to avoid analyser confusion as you will always pass the track circuits identified as Sudbury Junction before you get to the relieving point no matter which direction the train travels in.
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