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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 18:26 #539
5223 posts
I need some help with Private Messaging.

When I create a PM and then want to review it before I send it, I click on the Preview Button. This brings up a view of the message in the normal Forum type screen. There is a message in the bottom right corner saying "Administrator has disabled public posting". If I click on Submit I then see messages saying "waiting for SimSig.co.uk" then "transferring data from SimSig.co.uk". and I return to a blank PM entry screen. However, the message has not gone anywhere, it has just been lost. If I click on Edit instead of Submit, I return to the PM entry screen and can submit the message from there with no problems. If I revert to habit and click on the back button of my browser rather than Edit I return to a blank PM entry screen and the message is again lost.

Two questions:

1) Why can I not submit from the preview screen?
2) If there is a technical reason why I cannot submit from the preview screen, can anything be done to protect me from my own stupidity by going back to my original posting rather a blank PM entry screen when I click on the back button?


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 18:26 #5876
5223 posts
I need some help with Private Messaging.

When I create a PM and then want to review it before I send it, I click on the Preview Button. This brings up a view of the message in the normal Forum type screen. There is a message in the bottom right corner saying "Administrator has disabled public posting". If I click on Submit I then see messages saying "waiting for SimSig.co.uk" then "transferring data from SimSig.co.uk". and I return to a blank PM entry screen. However, the message has not gone anywhere, it has just been lost. If I click on Edit instead of Submit, I return to the PM entry screen and can submit the message from there with no problems. If I revert to habit and click on the back button of my browser rather than Edit I return to a blank PM entry screen and the message is again lost.

Two questions:

1) Why can I not submit from the preview screen?
2) If there is a technical reason why I cannot submit from the preview screen, can anything be done to protect me from my own stupidity by going back to my original posting rather a blank PM entry screen when I click on the back button?


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 18:42 #5878
276 posts
postal said:
"Administrator has disabled public posting".
Are you sure you have logged yourself in correctly?

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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 19:24 #5879
254 posts
postal said:
I need some help with Private Messaging.

Two questions:

1) Why can I not submit from the preview screen?
2) If there is a technical reason why I cannot submit from the preview screen, can anything be done to protect me from my own stupidity by going back to my original posting rather a blank PM entry screen when I click on the back button?

John - we did note another fault in the Preview process when creating Polls. This may be related. I will try and look at the source code but it looks like an Agora coding error that needs reporting on their bug board. For now just press Edit after Preview and then Submit from the main edit screen - this does work as you will see in your inbox..


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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 21:11 #5881
5223 posts
Quizman said:
postal said:
"Administrator has disabled public posting".
Are you sure you have logged yourself in correctly?

I think I was properly logged in because:

1) I posted this topic immediately after running a test to myself in the PM system and without changing my log-in status.
2) I was able to send a message from the edit screen but not the preview screen.

However, as I said, I need some help (unless Ken has identified a bug in the software) so all tips gratefully received.


As a PS to Ken, the hard part is remembering to click the "edit" button on the screen rather than to click on one of the subsidiary buttons on my mouse to go back. Habit is a terrible thing.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 21:21 #5882
254 posts

I got all the same error messages as you - and the 'Administrator has disabled public posting' is a clue that the Agora system thinks it is in a different mode ie not logged in - but only in Preview mode; and yes, if you do ANYTHING outside the Edit box, you CAN lose the lot especially looking elsewhere on the Forum!

As I remarked earlier - Geoff and I have confirmed another bug in this Preview mode, so will be dealing with it and this one ASAP but it will require a new Agora version reload at sometime to clear them!

Until then I am sure you can 'train' your mouse to respond to your curses rather than cursors! ;)

Best wishes,

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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 21:23 #5883
Peter Bennet
5379 posts
Just confirmed the same


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Private Messaging 14/01/2010 at 21:39 #5884
254 posts
Thanks Peter,

I just think we are stretching (and debugging) the Agora Forum system a little better than it was done initially.

We must remember we are combining two different templates that have already had to have tweaks to get the display we have.

Only a few more tweaks with the core and then we can start to embellish it with more SimSig orientated images! (I hope) :)


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