7M41 into Limbury Rd - 1991 timetable

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7M41 into Limbury Rd - 1991 timetable 24/12/2022 at 17:57 #149561
1832 posts
I have 7M41 waiting to enter the Limbury Road complex.

When I played the 2009 timetable, there was a shunt signal at the location indicated in the screenshot. Seems odd that it isn't it in the 1991 timetable? Was it added at a later date?
As 7M41 has asked for authority to proceed, I assume that once I have released the appropriate groung frame, set the points,etc. there wont be a problem.


Well now. Having activated the ground frame and twiddled the points and the Up handsignal (Down Slow) the shunt signal has appeared.
I can now see why it wasn't there i the first place asi it's to indicate that the handsignal has been given.

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Last edited: 24/12/2022 at 18:14 by bugsy
Reason: None given

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