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Sunderland SDG, Forth Branch and Depots

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Sunderland SDG, Forth Branch and Depots 24/06/2023 at 07:12 #152244
41 posts
Hi all, quickly flip through the post and think nobody asked these yet so this post was opened.

1-Sunderland SDG:
1.1: The manual doesn't seems mentioning it, how long are these sidings? It seems shorter than GC's HST at least.
1.2: What is the procedure of using these sidings? It seems at least I can't route into these sidings normally from P3 (6212).

2-Forth Branch:
2.1: Was it electrified? How long was it between 503X and 503?

3.1: For Heaton Depot, does the game really care if I send train to SDG instead of ARR?
3.2: For Tyne Yard, does the game consider USS and MPD IN as two different location or they (IRL) eventually end at the same place?


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Sunderland SDG, Forth Branch and Depots 24/06/2023 at 09:32 #152245
1054 posts
KCRCRailway in post 152244 said:
Hi all, quickly flip through the post and think nobody asked these yet so this post was opened.

1-Sunderland SDG:
1.1: The manual doesn't seems mentioning it, how long are these sidings? It seems shorter than GC's HST at least.
1.2: What is the procedure of using these sidings? It seems at least I can't route into these sidings normally from P3 (6212).

2-Forth Branch:
2.1: Was it electrified? How long was it between 503X and 503?

3.1: For Heaton Depot, does the game really care if I send train to SDG instead of ARR?
3.2: For Tyne Yard, does the game consider USS and MPD IN as two different location or they (IRL) eventually end at the same place?

1.1 - Stand by will look into this.
1.2 - Have no issue routing into either sidings from 6212. If you could provide further information as to your issues?

2.1 Distance between the two is about 400m. It's not wired.

3.1 No, A train can be routed into any of the three depot entry points.
3.2 They are two different locations. Though I don't think the sim will penalise you for this, it is worth noting that electric traction can not enter the MPD line due to insufficient electrical power supply. i.e.. no OHLE.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
Last edited: 24/06/2023 at 09:33 by Hap
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: KCRCRailway
Sunderland SDG, Forth Branch and Depots 28/06/2023 at 13:34 #152277
41 posts
For 1.2 it was at full chaos with me fighting with all the failure on the Metro line so can't provide much detail, will provide more information if I encounter that again.
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Sunderland SDG, Forth Branch and Depots 28/06/2023 at 13:35 #152278
41 posts
Hap in post 152245 said:
KCRCRailway in post 152244 said:
Hi all, quickly flip through the post and think nobody asked these yet so this post was opened.

1-Sunderland SDG:
1.1: The manual doesn't seems mentioning it, how long are these sidings? It seems shorter than GC's HST at least.
1.2: What is the procedure of using these sidings? It seems at least I can't route into these sidings normally from P3 (6212).

2-Forth Branch:
2.1: Was it electrified? How long was it between 503X and 503?

3.1: For Heaton Depot, does the game really care if I send train to SDG instead of ARR?
3.2: For Tyne Yard, does the game consider USS and MPD IN as two different location or they (IRL) eventually end at the same place?

1.1 - Stand by will look into this.
1.2 - Have no issue routing into either sidings from 6212. If you could provide further information as to your issues?

2.1 Distance between the two is about 400m. It's not wired.

3.1 No, A train can be routed into any of the three depot entry points.
3.2 They are two different locations. Though I don't think the sim will penalise you for this, it is worth noting that electric traction can not enter the MPD line due to insufficient electrical power supply. i.e.. no OHLE.
Opps forgot to quote, as written above it was a bit too messy so I can't fully remember what I did there, will provide information if encounter again, thanks.

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