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0N07 Wrong Starting Location in TT (10-10-09)

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0N07 Wrong Starting Location in TT (10-10-09) 02/09/2023 at 06:14 #153130
40 posts
I recall that the manual stated [Newcastle DN SL CANNOT serve Class 0 and Freight] and it makes sense to see 0N07 spawn in the Provincial SDG until it called me asking if he can departure 7hour and 23min early.
Apparantly despite the train was spawn at Provincial SDG, the TT still state it should [DEP Newacastle XML\SL\SL at 0725].
Problem solved with a quick swap of location back to Provincial SDG and a shunt to recognize the correct location, but maybe when TT was updated (some years later), the 0N07's TT can be marked as the correct starting location?

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