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You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Released > Wembley Main Line > WM311

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WM311 06/12/2023 at 21:12 #154623
1207 posts

I note that a condition for this signal on Down Line C to clear is that the approaching points P2067A need to be proved normal, i.e. a route from 309/473 would be possible.

Is this a common condition on interlocking, as I don't recall seeing any other examples?


Jamie S (JAMS)
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WM311 06/12/2023 at 21:53 #154624
4020 posts
Can only assume its been done to guard against a train passing 309 or 473 at danger, ending up on line B and the driver then reading across to 311 and thinking they've got a clear signal.
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WM311 06/12/2023 at 23:06 #154626
6391 posts
Very common. Several cases on Upminster, a couple on Woking, and a couple on LeedsEW come to mind. They're effectively read across controls, where the driver is heading directly towards a signal which does not apply to them, where a crossover takes them to a different signal just before those signals - in this case sighting WM311 but WM475 actually applies to them. Manchester Piccadilly has a couple of similar ones, though in these cases they want "track occupied in front of it, or points normal".
SimSig Boss
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