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Any beta sims that need testing?

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Any beta sims that need testing? 24/02/2010 at 15:05 #768
265 posts
Hi guys,

Just wondering if it might be of any use to anybody if I could beta test any new sims that are due to be released.

I wouldn't mind trying out a new sim and also helping the forum.

Please PM or email me (my @live.co.uk email please).

I approve this message :L

(Formerly known as manadude2)
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Any beta sims that need testing? 24/02/2010 at 15:05 #6920
265 posts
Hi guys,

Just wondering if it might be of any use to anybody if I could beta test any new sims that are due to be released.

I wouldn't mind trying out a new sim and also helping the forum.

Please PM or email me (my @live.co.uk email please).

I approve this message :L

(Formerly known as manadude2)
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Any beta sims that need testing? 24/02/2010 at 15:31 #6921
42 posts
i dont want to sound rude here but usually dev's (devellopers) dont just hand out betas upon request. they usually go through an Alpha, then an internal beta then -sometimes- a public beta and then release

i dont think there's much chance bud

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Any beta sims that need testing? 24/02/2010 at 15:42 #6922
160 posts
I do know one or two people who are involved in beta testing. From what I know of them and how they became beta testers; you've got to spend a fair amount of time in the community, and usually have some knowledge of the area in which you are testing the sim.

So it depends on where you are James, if there are any sims in that area that need testing, and what the development team think of you would be my assumption.

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Any beta sims that need testing? 24/02/2010 at 15:45 #6923
59 posts
Hi James

As Danial said, alot of developers dont generally hand out betas on request (unless a public beta is issued), and as per the section in the wiki most testers are normally contacted individually as selected by developers.

As with alot of betas currently knocking about, the developers have managed to keep them (or any trace of there existance) from being published in the public doman. there are a number of reasons for this, one being to prevent the 'when will it be ready' questions.

I know a little while ago now Kurt done a small 'recrutement' that involved aplicants completing a test sim and proving there bug finding ability.

The thing is with beta testing is that it can be very hard work, going over the same issues many times in some cases in order to provide the developer with the details needed to be able to trace the fault. Rarther than just an easy way to get hands on a 'new sim' that is not available to the public (Though I am not accusing you of this).

I may be looking for a couple of new beta testers in the future. but unfortunatly at present 'real life' is taking its toll and I am finding little time to get any development done, so could be a little while.


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Any beta sims that need testing? 24/02/2010 at 15:45 #6924
265 posts
I've already been involved in Beta testing. I know when the one I was beta testing was beta released to me another one was beta released at the same time. I was wondering if I could beta test that one, give it a fresh set of eyes to look over it, spot anything wrong.
(Formerly known as manadude2)
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Any beta sims that need testing? 26/02/2010 at 21:30 #6976
49 posts
Experienced has also shown some people become beta testers just to play sims early, without contributing much in the form of bug reporting, and thus developing the project.

The reason I did the little 'test' is two fold. Firstly to give the applicant an example of how tricky it can be. The test sim had at least 120 bugs in it, but people rarely found more than a quarter. The second reason is to see how committed they were, not all the bugs can be found by simply playing the timetable.

Unfortunately, the test (which you are on the list for James), and the 'training' that goes with those that are picked, is rather time consuming which has been a rarity of late same as with Daz. (The training involves explaining the basics of how sims are put together to help testers know what to look for)

Those involved have not been forgotten.

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Any beta sims that need testing? 27/02/2010 at 01:22 #6984
42 posts
ive got beta testing experience with flight simulation applications and even a tiny bit for DICE. however I couldnt not contribute anything to the beta's here because im not really sure where the bug prone areas would be and how extensive i can go into SimSig.

Beta testing experience + extensive knowledge of SimSig its-self + luck. is what id say is neccessary to get on that list eh Dev's?

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Any beta sims that need testing? 27/02/2010 at 08:22 #6990
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
I'll tell you how I got involved. When some of the first 'free' sims were released I found that if you tried to do anything other than run the supplied timetable there were difficulties. So of my own volition I set about analysing each page (they were paged in those days) in great detail. Things like trying to set routes between signals, can I write a timetable to get me from this obscure siding to that exit via this location/signal. Also simple things like the timetable calls the location this- but the screen says that.

Anyway I wrote fairly detailed reports on evey screen and emailed Geoff to deal with as he saw fit- as I say it was not commissioned work- just something I did.

Then one day out of the blue I got an email from Geoff- would I like to moderate on the Forum- which I now do as you know.

A while later I was asked if I'd like to assist in revising some of the Sims (Daan and Kurt also recruited) and we did the GW set. Then having the tools we set about our own development (mine are still being developed- not long....?).

I have a more relaxed approach to recruiting testers but at the moment I have no need for additional people.

So as you can see- show willing and who knows....


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Any beta sims that need testing? 02/03/2010 at 12:51 #7054
76 posts
I'f seen the man working his a** off finetuning the GWR sims and I was impressed on the train ride from Derby to London. All I can tell is that Mister Bennet is working as hard as he can to get the best even better.

The best chance you may receive a BETA test version is attending a SimSig meeting (next one is March 20 in PBO). Although those meetings are not intended for releases, so don't be dissapointed if nothing new shows up.

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Any beta sims that need testing? 03/03/2010 at 20:30 #7065
150 posts
This post has touched a slightly raw nerve with me. There have been a couple of calls for testers in the past, and I responded to them. I should explain that my wife considers herself a Simsig widow. I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours running each of the sims that I could get hold of. I understand the timetabling well, and also understand signalling very well, for a layman. Finally I worked in various aspects of software development for years, and have tested (and managed testers).

My gripe? That my offer was treated the same way as another offer I made to Simsig, to help with hosting when bandwidth problems were causing difficulties some time back. Not 'thanks, but no thanks' - my offers were ignored.

So, I still love the software. I still tell people about it, and show them it. I still make donations from time to time (and so should everyone), but I don't expect offers such as yours to be grabbed with open hands, or even acknowledged, necessarily.

Just my 5 cents.

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Any beta sims that need testing? 03/03/2010 at 21:00 #7066
227 posts

I can understand you position though I must say that SimSig is undoubtedly a volunteer effort. As such, that effort must be fully and (I believe) absolutely respected and appreciated.

Whilst one may feel "left out" of the picture for whatever reason all of us users should be tremendously grateful for what we have and not worry so much about what we don't.

BTW. Here is a chance to help out http://www.SimSig.co.uk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=779&Itemid=54



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Any beta sims that need testing? 03/03/2010 at 21:48 #7067
150 posts

You are undoubtedly right and it is a minor gripe. I very much appreciate what's done and I have no time for the 'when's the next release' and 'why does no-one fix this?' brigade.

OTOH saying thank you for an offer of help (in one case practical help with something that was causing real problems at the time) should be something that is automatic, whatever the relationship between the offerer and the offered.

Perhaps you can tell I'm now a teacher!

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Any beta sims that need testing? 03/03/2010 at 22:22 #7068
227 posts
trolleybus said:
Perhaps you can tell I'm now a teacher!
Here's to coincidence, so am I. I worked in a big city (Buenos Aires) until 8 years ago climbing up the "corporate" ladder up to IT manager. I then got fed up with the rat race and move where I live now. Small town (13000 inhabitants) lots of green (we're in the middle of a National Park - Reserve) next to last week's big quake in Chile and have taken up high school teaching. I still mess around quite a bit with programming for different voluntary projects at school.



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Any beta sims that need testing? 04/03/2010 at 09:09 #7069
6360 posts
Trolleybus: we normally reply to all emails so yours was probably an oversight, for which I apologise.
SimSig Boss
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Any beta sims that need testing? 05/03/2010 at 19:00 #7102
150 posts
I feel like a rat, now....
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Any beta sims that need testing? 06/03/2010 at 00:20 #7115
227 posts
Well, maybe we'll soon be welcoming you to the "Ex-Rats" club :P

I must say I find I enjoy life a heck of a lot more, my kids can play and go visit friends without a police escort, I have a green garden (2500 sq. metres), dog, cat, AND..... Simsig. What more could I ask for?


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Any beta sims that need testing? 06/03/2010 at 08:10 #7116
49 posts
trolleybus said:
This post has touched a slightly raw nerve with me. There have been a couple of calls for testers in the past, and I responded to them. I should explain that my wife considers herself a Simsig widow. I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours running each of the sims that I could get hold of. I understand the timetabling well, and also understand signalling very well, for a layman. Finally I worked in various aspects of software development for years, and have tested (and managed testers).

My gripe? That my offer was treated the same way as another offer I made to Simsig, to help with hosting when bandwidth problems were causing difficulties some time back. Not 'thanks, but no thanks' - my offers were ignored.

So, I still love the software. I still tell people about it, and show them it. I still make donations from time to time (and so should everyone), but I don't expect offers such as yours to be grabbed with open hands, or even acknowledged, necessarily.

Just my 5 cents.
You complaint is noted, however everybody who responded to my requests received a reply from me with the exception of a few who didn't provide an email address (my crystal ball was out of order at the time).

About a quarter of those never bothered to contact me back and I took that to mean they weren't interested.

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Any beta sims that need testing? 10/03/2010 at 19:22 #7199
150 posts
I was certainly not in either of the categories you mentioned!
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Any beta sims that need testing? 10/03/2010 at 20:00 #7201
148 posts
i think it depends on the developer, i managed to get on the team for cambridge by just applying through a post i saw at the old sim sig site.
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