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Hilton Junction 2

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Hilton Junction 2 19/03/2010 at 23:23 #913
Andrew G
552 posts
Earlier this evening during the session hosted by Andy G I noticed that Perth's Up Section Signal is incorrectly shown as being controlled by Hilton Junction.

HJ2 is in fact the Up Distant for the Main Line at Hilton Junction with HJ5 as the Up Distant for the Branch Line.


The Perth Up Section Signal is a quite rare example of a colour light stop signal with an integral splitting distant signal.

In the tunnel the unusual repeater for 2, 2R also has a repeater for 5, 5R. These are unusual as they are in advance of the signals they repeat the aspect for.

I do have the original resignalling notice for Perth somewhere, but not immediately to hand. If you do need the Perth signal number please let me know and I'll see if I can dig it out.

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Hilton Junction 2 19/03/2010 at 23:23 #7487
Andrew G
552 posts
Earlier this evening during the session hosted by Andy G I noticed that Perth's Up Section Signal is incorrectly shown as being controlled by Hilton Junction.

HJ2 is in fact the Up Distant for the Main Line at Hilton Junction with HJ5 as the Up Distant for the Branch Line.


The Perth Up Section Signal is a quite rare example of a colour light stop signal with an integral splitting distant signal.

In the tunnel the unusual repeater for 2, 2R also has a repeater for 5, 5R. These are unusual as they are in advance of the signals they repeat the aspect for.

I do have the original resignalling notice for Perth somewhere, but not immediately to hand. If you do need the Perth signal number please let me know and I'll see if I can dig it out.

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Hilton Junction 2 19/03/2010 at 23:44 #7489
330 posts
Andrew G said:
I do have the original resignalling notice for Perth somewhere, but not immediately to hand. If you do need the Perth signal number please let me know and I'll see if I can dig it out.
No need to go hunting, it's P6 signal.

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Hilton Junction 2 20/03/2010 at 06:52 #7494
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
I have a full set of drawings HJ2/5 and P6 are essentially the same signals under dual control- I have a sequencing chart and was going to show them as 'splitting' but policy is not to do that.



I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Hilton Junction 2 20/03/2010 at 20:04 #7525
Andrew G
552 posts

That's not quite how I understand things.

Primary control of the signal lies with Perth under P6 and this is in fact Perth's Up Section Signal as Absolute Block Working is the method of working between Perth and Hilton Junction, hence the reference to L.C.R. (LIne Clear Release) for P6.

When Perth clears P6 the signal will step from Red to Split Yellows, until such time as Hilton Junction reverses levers 2 or 5 at which point the appropriate Yellow aspect will step to Green. If Hilton Junction reverse levers 2 or 5 before Perth has cleared P6 then the Red aspect will remain.

While I can understand not replicating the splitting distant I would have thought that a more accurate reflection would be to show the signal as P6.

At the end of the day it isn't the end of the world and I'm looking forward to the release of the full version in due course.


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Hilton Junction 2 20/03/2010 at 22:44 #7535
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
As I was working Left to right HJ came before P so it got numbered that way- similar issues arise with splitting gantrys- which number to use- think I tended to use the lower number or more-main but I'd be surprised if I'd been consistent to that format in every case.



I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Hilton Junction 2 23/03/2010 at 10:31 #7690
2774 posts
Peter: Geoff may correct me, but I don't think there's a specific policy against showing splitting signals. It's just that it used to be too hard.

Andrew: why do you say that this type of signal is rare? It's normal in multiple-aspect signalling for a splitting distant to also be a stop signal. Though I note that Peter's diagram shows a head that doesn't conform to the current standards (which requires the two yellows to be on different levels).

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Hilton Junction 2 23/03/2010 at 17:28 #7706
Andrew G
552 posts
clive said:

Andrew: why do you say that this type of signal is rare? It's normal in multiple-aspect signalling for a splitting distant to also be a stop signal. Though I note that Peter's diagram shows a head that doesn't conform to the current standards (which requires the two yellows to be on different levels).
I stand to be corrected but I though that the type of signal we were discussing was now quite rare, although I do recall that there is a recent example on MAS for the Heathrow Express Line.

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