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Special Trains Randomiser

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Special Trains Randomiser 22/03/2010 at 20:17 #956
2654 posts
Whilst compiling my latest timetable Sheffield 1983-1984(will be released shortly), I managed to include every Special Train that an through Chesterfield between May 1983 - May 1984. Whilst writing timetables I go by the rule of thumb that if a train runs on 1 day of the week I set the '%' scale to 20, up to 100 for 5 days of the week. However most of the 1ZXX & 2ZXX's ran on just that 1 day of that year. Would it be possible to amend the timetable part of the programme & have a sub-routine running where you can check a tick box & that train is held in another part of the timetable program. So each time you start a new game the program will automatically select at random a number of Special Trains. So each time you start a new game you get a different set of Special Trains. In the Sheffield 1983-1984 timetable there must have been some 30-odd Special Trains that ran on just that day from different locations around the country going to different locations around the country.
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Special Trains Randomiser 22/03/2010 at 20:17 #7672
2654 posts
Whilst compiling my latest timetable Sheffield 1983-1984(will be released shortly), I managed to include every Special Train that an through Chesterfield between May 1983 - May 1984. Whilst writing timetables I go by the rule of thumb that if a train runs on 1 day of the week I set the '%' scale to 20, up to 100 for 5 days of the week. However most of the 1ZXX & 2ZXX's ran on just that 1 day of that year. Would it be possible to amend the timetable part of the programme & have a sub-routine running where you can check a tick box & that train is held in another part of the timetable program. So each time you start a new game the program will automatically select at random a number of Special Trains. So each time you start a new game you get a different set of Special Trains. In the Sheffield 1983-1984 timetable there must have been some 30-odd Special Trains that ran on just that day from different locations around the country going to different locations around the country.
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Special Trains Randomiser 22/03/2010 at 22:13 #7675
5223 posts
To fill the gap before that idea could come to pass (and if you could get your head round the complexities) you could always set up some rules about 1Zxx shall not run if 1Zxy runs etc.

To simplify it, you could set maybe the first 4 of the trains up (with probabilities of 25%, 33% , 50% and 100%) with rules saying that Train 2 shall not run if Train 1 runs, Train 3 shall not run if Trains 1 and 2 run and Train 4 shall not run if Trains 1,2 and 3 run. Then you set every succeeding train with 100% probability and a rule that shall only run if Train 1 (or 2,3 or 4) runs. That would give you a 25% chance of any of the groups of trains running. To make it a bit more random, you could reduce the probability of the succeeding trains if you don't necessarily want all of them.


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