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What is the easyest way to do it?

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What is the easyest way to do it? 25/03/2010 at 10:36 #977
76 posts
I am currently working on the 2008 TT for KGX and I use the timetable editor in SimSig for that.

But at work there are times when nothing happens and my time is wasted by chatting. Is there n easy way of making a timetable in word or excel and import the stuff into SimSig? Or is there another handy to use program which makes life a little easyer?

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What is the easyest way to do it? 25/03/2010 at 10:36 #7766
76 posts
I am currently working on the 2008 TT for KGX and I use the timetable editor in SimSig for that.

But at work there are times when nothing happens and my time is wasted by chatting. Is there n easy way of making a timetable in word or excel and import the stuff into SimSig? Or is there another handy to use program which makes life a little easyer?

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What is the easyest way to do it? 25/03/2010 at 10:43 #7767
254 posts
Hi Maarten,
very quickly - there is a facility for exporting your current timetable from the sim into CSV format for editing in Excel then importing it back.

The function is in the timetable/edit/tools1 tab. [Export] - just Browse to select the required timetable from the list and it will output various CSV files and an XLS file for importing into Excel using the same 'base' filenames.

Most of the instructions are there but I found you do have to have a few tries before getting it right, so I would go into the sim sub directory and copy the two files (wtt & wtr) to somewhere safe before starting, just in case.


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What is the easyest way to do it? 25/03/2010 at 11:12 #7772
76 posts
Thanks for the fast reply Ken.

I just exported it to CSV and I receive the following in Excel: (Small part of it... and it makes me dazzling)

[img width=100px height=100px]http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/7690/schermafbeelding2010032.png[/img]

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What is the easyest way to do it? 25/03/2010 at 11:18 #7774
254 posts
Try again to import it into Excel and set the import option to 'comma delimited' fields.

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What is the easyest way to do it? 25/03/2010 at 11:35 #7777
76 posts
Much better now...
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What is the easyest way to do it? 25/03/2010 at 13:22 #7794
5239 posts
I don't know about the later versions of Excel, but some of the earlier versions will only handle 255 columns (i.e. 253 trains after first 2 header columns). If you are using a version that will only handle this number of columns, the csv exporter gives the option to enter how the maximum columns per file. If you set this at 253, the exporter creates multiple files (e.g. TT_Up0000.csv, TT_Up0001.csv etc) until it has exported all of the trains in the TT.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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What is the easyest way to do it? 09/04/2010 at 12:32 #8305
2774 posts
Rather than Excel, can I please suggest you use my timetable converter, available on my web site. This lets you convert any timetable to a text format which you can then edit in any text editor. It also has features to allow you to build a timetable more easily (read the tutorials for details), for example by defining a train once and then making other trains behave the same.
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What is the easyest way to do it? 09/04/2010 at 16:52 #8321
480 posts
I'd love to use Convdata but can't get it to work. I get "'Convdata' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." whenever I try any of the commands in the manual for opening a timetable. However, I suspect I am not using or installing it properly but the manual seems to gloss over what you actually do with the file once it's downloaded.

Edit: After a bit of fiddling I think I have now worked out how to use it.

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What is the easyest way to do it? 16/04/2010 at 16:43 #8570
1378 posts
Put convdata in a sim directory along with the timetables
Then you can use the import/export command in the sim to do the conversions rather than DOS.
I'd recommended looking at 'PFE32' text editor for editing in the text form.

Another tip for timetable creation is to try to keep them small and self contained, so for a KX timetable you'd separate NXEC (as was) perhaps even to HST and 91's, 313's, outer suburban and freight.
Each can then be tested and debugged alone before combining them. This is particularly useful if you don't have the stock diagrams to hand, although for 2008 you should be OK on that count


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