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Game Details

Community Vote - The West Coast Mainline
The West Coast Main Line.. A line of many things. However, punctuality isnt one of them!
You all voted for it! So let's get it underway!!
Join us as we attempt to keep it moving as far north as Lichfield (Yes i did actually look that up) focusing on the services to and from Birmingham (Including Cross City) and even trying to maintain the Over and Underground!

As always, the infrastructure is one of faults and failures therefore our session shall be no different. A low chance however the possibility of network crippling faults is ever looming over the heads of those willing to control the network.

General Information:

Session Start Time -> 1900 UTC
Session Break -> 2100 UTC
Session End -> 2300 UTC
Panel Allocation -> 1850 to 1900. See below for how we're going to allocate this week!

"So how many panels on each workstation do we have and how can i claim one" I hear none of you ask! Well I'm here to answer you anyway!

Wembley Mainline (Euston to Wembley Station) -> 4
[FREE] Wembley Suburban (London Overground + Underground between Kilburn High Road and Watford Junction) -> 1
Watford Junction (Bushey to Kings Langley incl the mainline platforms for Watford Junction) -> 1
[ARS] Rugby SCC South (Apsley to Milton Keynes Central) -> 2
[ARS] Rugby SCC Centre (Northampton to Rugby) -> 2
[ARS] Rugby SCC North (Nuneaton to Lichfield Trent Valley) -> 2
Coventry (Coventry Station to Berkswell) -> 1
Birmingham New Street (Birmingham International to Sandwell & Dudley via New Street Station) -> 4
[FREE] Saltley (Tamworth High Level to Stratford Upon Avon + Redditch) -> 5
[FREE + ARS] Aston (Gravelly Hill to Lichfield Trent Valley Cross City) -> 1
[TOTAL] - 21 Panels to be allocated.

This week we'll be trialling Game page allocation!
When you click "Join" you will need to add a message onto the game to state which panel you would like to take on which sim. Please give 3 in the order of preference. For those who join as "tentative" you'll still be given the same priority as everyone else. Here's an example:

1 - Euston Station
2 - Aston
3 - Saltley Centre

I will then go through these on the day in order of sign up/ whoever is in TeamSpeak and assign based on preference order. (I promise it'll be FAR simpler when it happens)
This means that people who are high up the order of the priority list (but who may be VERY close to the 7pm start time for joining) will still have a decent shot at getting something they want. Obviously shuffling around during the break is 100% allowed and I'll be entrusting you all to decide that amongst yourselves like the mature individuals you all are.

Hopefully I get to see a decent chuck of you all there!
Much love <3

Sidenote - forgot to mention but we'll be using Open Hosting 1 on teamspeak for this game!

No-one is required to talk via voice but you're required to be there to listen to information from other signallers and myself. F10 chat and teamspeak chat is also 100% allowed
Start Date/Time
24/11/2023 19:00:00
Simulations in use
Log in to see address and port details
Aston , Birmingham New Street , Coventry , Rugby SCC Centre , Rugby SCC North , Rugby SCC South , Saltley , Watford Jn , Wembley Mainline , Wembley Suburban , Wolverhampton
peterb 21/11/2023 at 16:55 (Tentative)
marychristmaseverybody 21/11/2023 at 17:06 (Tentative)
AndyG 21/11/2023 at 17:23
Super_Dogbox 21/11/2023 at 17:28
DanH14 21/11/2023 at 17:29
Olijumbo1129 21/11/2023 at 17:34
Benjwri 21/11/2023 at 17:48
andi 21/11/2023 at 18:01
i26 21/11/2023 at 18:58
DaveHarries 22/11/2023 at 00:11 (Tentative)
Kaelon 22/11/2023 at 01:15 (Tentative)
Damien 22/11/2023 at 10:45
raygun 22/11/2023 at 16:40
Rocangus 22/11/2023 at 18:31 (Tentative)
magicalcoriander 22/11/2023 at 21:57
nsilvo 23/11/2023 at 07:07
jamesktaylor 23/11/2023 at 16:14
ritchie 23/11/2023 at 16:17 (Tentative)
Area11 24/11/2023 at 07:51 (Tentative)
hall 24/11/2023 at 14:26 (Tentative)

Subscribe - Subscribe to Alex_Idos 's games

Join - Indicate that you intend to join this game

Tentative - Indicate that you might join this game

License Visibility - Let the host know which licenses you own so they can roster you on a panel

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Game Discussion
21/11/2023 at 16:56
Please, below, state which panels you would like to take

Also please be advised that as the host I have the right to remove/ reject people from workstations that I deem them to be below standard on (Which with me is a VERY low bar )

See you all soon!
21/11/2023 at 17:00
1 NS Centre
2 NS S1
3 Cov
21/11/2023 at 17:09
1 - NS centre
2 - NS south 1
3 - Saltley centre
21/11/2023 at 17:23
1) SY Cen;
2) Wby C or A;
3) NS Cen.
21/11/2023 at 17:36
1 - Satley
2 - Wolverhampton
3 - Bham New Street
21/11/2023 at 17:48
1 - Wembley Mainline (Camden panel)
2 - Watford Junction
3 - Aston
21/11/2023 at 18:07
No preference, put me wherever is convenient
21/11/2023 at 19:08
Shall be with you throughout unless an action of god stops us

1 - Euston Station
2 - Willesden
3 - Camden
21/11/2023 at 20:27
Panel Preferences.

1 - Euston Station
2 - Northampton
3 - Rugby
4 - Bletchley
22/11/2023 at 00:38
Unfortunately I can't put down anything other than tentative as my ability to join is going to be very much dependent on my work schedule for the day which I won't know until the day itself. I will try and have dinner before joining. Panel preference:

1. Rugby SCC North (no preference on panel: hope ARS will be on - could possibly do both if so: can divide screen space.)
2. One of the other Rugby SCC panels
3. Saltley PSB (Centre or North)
4. Birmingham New Street (station panel)

If I get home in time and get in then see you there.
22/11/2023 at 01:35
1 - NS South 2
2 - NS North
3 - Saltley South Bottom
4 - Saltley (Any panel)
22/11/2023 at 08:23
1. Satley South Top
2. Satley North
3. Satley South Bottom
22/11/2023 at 16:42
1. Nunation panel
2. Salley Centre
3. Wolves
22/11/2023 at 18:36
I'll be late (an hour and a half) but if there's space...

1. Nuneaton
2. Rugby
3. Northampton
22/11/2023 at 19:31
1. Saltley North
2. Saltley South Bottom
3. Birmingham South 1

And if Aston needs someone, I can be there.
22/11/2023 at 22:02
1. Wembley Mainline Wembley Panel
2. Saltley Centre
3. Birmingham New Street Centre
22/11/2023 at 22:09
I meant Willesden Panel for the first choice.
24/11/2023 at 07:52
I can fill in for anything that isn't Cov or Wolves, Alex
24/11/2023 at 14:28
happy to fill in any gaps as don't have a preference for location.
24/11/2023 at 15:39
1. NS Centre
2. Euston
3. Nuneaton
4. Bletchley

Tentative is just based upon hotel wifi situation but I can't imagine this being an issue so most likely a yes.
24/11/2023 at 17:31
happy to fill, and if I dont have that sim, happy to buy it also
24/11/2023 at 17:57
Sorry for not posting earlier. Didnt realise sign up was being done this way

1. Saltley Centre
2. Wembley Suburban
3. Coventry