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Game Discussion | |
21/11/2023 at 16:56
Alex_Idos |
Please, below, state which panels you would like to take Also please be advised that as the host I have the right to remove/ reject people from workstations that I deem them to be below standard on (Which with me is a VERY low bar ![]() See you all soon! |
21/11/2023 at 17:00
peterb |
1 NS Centre 2 NS S1 3 Cov |
21/11/2023 at 17:09
marychristmaseverybody |
1 - NS centre 2 - NS south 1 3 - Saltley centre |
21/11/2023 at 17:23
AndyG |
1) SY Cen; 2) Wby C or A; 3) NS Cen. |
21/11/2023 at 17:36
Olijumbo1129 |
1 - Satley 2 - Wolverhampton 3 - Bham New Street |
21/11/2023 at 17:48
Benjwri |
1 - Wembley Mainline (Camden panel) 2 - Watford Junction 3 - Aston |
21/11/2023 at 18:07
andi |
No preference, put me wherever is convenient |
21/11/2023 at 19:08
C.Gillibrand |
Shall be with you throughout unless an action of god stops us Preferences: 1 - Euston Station 2 - Willesden 3 - Camden |
21/11/2023 at 20:27
i26 |
Panel Preferences. 1 - Euston Station 2 - Northampton 3 - Rugby 4 - Bletchley |
22/11/2023 at 00:38
DaveHarries |
Unfortunately I can't put down anything other than tentative as my ability to join is going to be very much dependent on my work schedule for the day which I won't know until the day itself. I will try and have dinner before joining. Panel preference: 1. Rugby SCC North (no preference on panel: hope ARS will be on - could possibly do both if so: can divide screen space.) 2. One of the other Rugby SCC panels 3. Saltley PSB (Centre or North) 4. Birmingham New Street (station panel) If I get home in time and get in then see you there. |
22/11/2023 at 01:35
Kaelon |
1 - NS South 2 2 - NS North 3 - Saltley South Bottom 4 - Saltley (Any panel) |
22/11/2023 at 08:23
DanH14 |
1. Satley South Top 2. Satley North 3. Satley South Bottom |
22/11/2023 at 16:42
raygun |
1. Nunation panel 2. Salley Centre 3. Wolves |
22/11/2023 at 18:36
Rocangus |
I'll be late (an hour and a half) but if there's space... 1. Nuneaton 2. Rugby 3. Northampton |
22/11/2023 at 19:31
tavi |
1. Saltley North 2. Saltley South Bottom 3. Birmingham South 1 And if Aston needs someone, I can be there. |
22/11/2023 at 22:02
magicalcoriander |
1. Wembley Mainline Wembley Panel 2. Saltley Centre 3. Birmingham New Street Centre |
22/11/2023 at 22:09
magicalcoriander |
I meant Willesden Panel for the first choice. |
24/11/2023 at 07:52
Area11 |
I can fill in for anything that isn't Cov or Wolves, Alex ![]() |
24/11/2023 at 14:28
hall |
happy to fill in any gaps as don't have a preference for location. |
24/11/2023 at 15:39
Damien |
1. NS Centre 2. Euston 3. Nuneaton 4. Bletchley Tentative is just based upon hotel wifi situation but I can't imagine this being an issue so most likely a yes. |
24/11/2023 at 17:31
nsilvo |
happy to fill, and if I dont have that sim, happy to buy it also |
24/11/2023 at 17:57
Super_Dogbox |
Sorry for not posting earlier. Didnt realise sign up was being done this way 1. Saltley Centre 2. Wembley Suburban 3. Coventry |