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SimSig Scotland Released

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SimSig Scotland

16 January 2012 : Update Sims have been updated for some minor bugs and can be downloaded here:


These Sims are offered on an paid-for basis and can be bought individually or as a heavily discounted package through the Shop.  Existing licenses remain valid for these re-releases.

People who have donated to either CSCOT or Edinburgh in the past have been granted free licenses to all four. If you have been kind enough to donate, please use the PM system to send a message to GeoffM with your details so we can send back the installers to you.

All users will need to download and install the license module to access the collect your license. This can be found under Downloads -> Official Software -> System Files.

Cowlairs £10

North East Scotland £15

Central Scotland £15

Edinburgh £20

All 4 available as a package for £55 (a discount of £5 from the total of the individual prices)

Discuss them in the forum, read the manuals in the Wiki, and purchase them from the shop.