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<span>Welcome to SimSig Salisbury. Salisbury ASC (Area Signalling Centre) was opened in August 1981 housed in the station building.</span>

<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">You will be controlling an area with routes from Andover and Romsey converging at Tunnel Junction, and from Westbury and </span><span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">Gillingham meeting at Wilton Junction, totalling</span><span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;"> </span><span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">about 60 route miles</span><span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">.</span>

<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">Salisbury is easily manageable by one person (as in real life) but features Tokenless Block Working on the single line to Gillingham, seven AHB (Automatic Half-Barrier) level crossings, and </span>detaching<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">/attaching activities at Salisbury. For a greater </span>challenge<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;"> there are several scenarios </span>available<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;"> with various platform and line closures.</span>

<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">Two default timetables are included, a 2009 version </span>compatible<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;"> </span>with<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;"> other simulations, and a 1988 timetable for the more experienced </span><span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">signaller that uses most the Ground Frames and Salisbury Yard that were in use at that time. </span>

<span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">Salisbury currently chains to Westbury at Warminster, and will be able to link to Basingstoke, Eastleigh and Gillingham in the future</span><span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">.</span>

<span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal;">Download from the</span><span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal;">  </span><a href="index.php?option=com_remository&amp;Itemid=257&amp;func=fileinfo&amp;id=834">Downloads</a> area,<span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal;"> read about it in the </span><span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal;"><a href="dokuwiki/doku.php?id=simulations:salisbury">WIKI</a></span><span style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">, buy a licence from the </span><a href="index.php?option=com_hikashop&amp;ctrl=product&amp;task=show&amp;cid=72&amp;name=salisbury&amp;Itemid=317&amp;category_pathway=25" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 1.3em;">Shop</a>.

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