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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016

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<strong><span style="text-align: center; color: red;">This prize draw is now closed. Thank you to everybody that participated.</span></strong>

West Hampstead (Network Rail) / Midland Main Line Prize Draw 2016.

This is a fundraising event for the <a href="http://www.kbobm.org">Kent Battle of Britain Museum</a> where everybody who donates will have a chance of winning one of several great prizes. The highest bidder can opt for a cab ride, working a shift at West Hampstead PSB, or just visit West Hampstead. One of the shift prizes and two of the panel visits will be given to bidders randomly selected so even low bidders will have a reasonable chance of getting a prize.

How It Will Work

Each person who wants to enter will bid a <strong>non-refundable</strong> minimum amount of £2. The initial £2 will need to be paid immediately through this website's shop. They will be able to increase their bid at any time until the closing date of the bidding. Not everybody is fortunate enough to have lots of money so we're going to give everybody a good chance of winning.

To send your initial entry via PayPal, go to the SimSig product page <a href="index.php?option=com_hikashop&amp;ctrl=product&amp;task=show&amp;cid=155">here</a> and buy one £2 entry.

When you receive the emailed payment receipt from PayPal (might take a couple of minutes), you will then need to email <a href="mailto:prizedraw2016@SimSig.co.uk?Subject=Prize Draw 2016&amp;Body=Forum username:%0D%0APayPal receipt number:%0D%0ABid amount:GBP%0D%0ACab ride (yes/no):%0D%0AWorking Shift (yes/no):%0D%0APanel visit (yes/no):%0D%0A">prizedraw2016@SimSig.co.uk</a> with the following information

<li>Your forum username</li>
<li>The PayPal receipt number</li>
<li>The amount you wish to bid</li>
<li>Whether you are interested in each of the three types of prize (that is, three separate yes/no answers to Cab Ride; Working Shift; Panel Visit).</li>
The cab ride, one of the two working shifts, and four of the six tours will be offered to the high bidders. First the cab ride will go to the highest bidder who is interested in it. Then the working shift will go to the highest bidder, apart from the cab ride winner, who is interested in a working shift. Finally the four tours will go to the four highest bidders, apart from these two, who are interested in a tour.

The remaining three prizes (one working shift and two tours) will be randomly selected from all remaining bidders - regardless of how much they bid - using the following process.

If we have up to 100 bidders remaining (that is, after the six winning high bidders have been removed), then we'll allocate the numbers 0 to 99 to them. We will put the list in bid amount order, highest first, then earlier bids above later bids of the same value, and allocate sequential numbers to them starting at 0 at the top of the list. When we run out of bidders, we go back to the top of the list and give the bidders a second number, and potentially a third.

We then take the winning <a href="https://www.euro-millions.com/millionaire-maker/how-it-works">UK Millionaire Maker number</a>, which is in the form XYZ123456 (this is not the Millionaire Raffle, where numbers are in the form AQUA 1234 5678). We split it into three pairs of digits. This identifies three people (in this example, in the order 12, 34, 56). The first one in order that wants the working shift is awarded it, after which the other two are offered tours if they want one. If any prizes are left over, 1 is added to the three numbers (99 + 1 is 0 for these purposes) and those prizes offered to those people in order (again, working shift offered first if applicable). This process is repeated until all three prizes are gone. A person already awarded a prize can't get a second one.

If there are more than 100 bidders, we'll allocate the numbers from 0 to 999 instead and split the number into two three-digit pairs (123 and 456 in this example). To get the third number we'll add together the first two numbers plus the three letters (using A=1, B=2, ... Z=26). So ABC123456 will generate 123, 456, and 585 (123+456+1+2+3) in that order. We'll then use the same process.

Note that, although the results are chosen at random, the higher bidders (and, where equal bids exist, earlier bidders) will have a slight advantage.

What's Next?

The bidding will start on 29th January 2016. It will end on 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT. The list of bidders, including their choice of prize but not bid amount, will be published on this website before the draw on 5th February 2016. All initial £2 bids must be paid via the specified shop product page. No other form of payment is accepted, and the <strong>winning bidders</strong> must pay by 11:59pm GMT on 11th February 2016. Instructions for paying winning bids will be provided along with confirmation of the prize to your email address.

Please note that your bids are binding and must be paid by the payment date above. Bids will be rejected if payment hasn't been received.

If you wish to make a donation without bidding, you are more than welcome to do so, noting this on the email to <a href="mailto:prizedraw2016@SimSig.co.uk">prizedraw2016@SimSig.co.uk</a>.

Our Simple Terms &amp; Conditions

<li>We offer this in good faith in order to raise money for the nominated charity.</li>
<li>Whilst the prizes have been confirmed, they are subject to change due to operational or other reasons beyond our control.</li>
<li>If you place a bid, you are committed to paying that amount if you win, regardless of how you win.</li>
<li>The £2 is not refundable. It will be used to cover any PayPal charges with the remainder being paid to the charity together with the winning bids.</li>
<li>Payments not received by the appropriate due date will result in the bid becoming null and void, and the prize awarded to someone else according to the rules below.</li>
<li>Any winner may relinquish their prize, in which case the prize will be re-allocated according to the rules below (further down this page).</li>
<li>The winner of a working shift may exchange it for a tour, in which case the working shift will be offered to the next person who would otherwise have had a tour (that is, the next highest bidder or the next person of those selected randomly). If the last of the five high bidders or the third of the randomly selected people do not want it, it will be treated according to condition 6 as if they had relinquished it.</li>
<li>The cab ride and working shifts will be arranged on a date and time that is mutually convenient to each winner and the provider of that prize.</li>
<li>The tours will be arranged on a date and time which is convenient to Ray and the majority of the relevant winners. We'll do our best to make sure you can come but please understand that we cannot necessarily accommodate everybody's wishes simultaneously.</li>
<li>In both the above, the date is likely to be early to mid February - i.e. very soon.</li>
<li>The UK Millionaire Maker is used only to select the random winners and has no other bearing or relevance to this process. You do not need to do or pay anything to them, and they have nothing to do with us.</li>
<li>You can only enter once, though you may increase your bid at any time during the bidding process. The new amount will replace the previous amount. Please note on the email to <a href="mailto:prizedraw2016@SimSig.co.uk">prizedraw2016@SimSig.co.uk</a> that this replaces a previous bid.</li>
<li>Withdrawing a bid will only be possible in extreme circumstances. Please check the amount carefully before bidding.</li>
<li>You can bid on behalf of someone else, that is, you may donate your prize to someone else, as long as that someone else is not another bidder.</li>
<li>Entrance to the signalbox requires adherence to, but not limited to, the <a href="dokuwiki/doku.php?id=meets:signalbox_visit_rules">Signalbox Visit Rules</a>.</li>
<li>Winners must make their own arrangements to get to London for each of the prizes. Travel and subsistence is <strong>not</strong> included in any prize.</li>
<li>Late arrival for any prize is likely to result in that prize being forfeited. It is unlikely that any prize can be rescheduled.</li>
<li>We will do our best to follow the described process to the best of our ability, but if unforseen issues arise then Cajon Rail LLC's decision is final.</li>
Details for re-awarding prizes in accordance with conditions 5 and 6:

The prize is offered to the next person in the list of bidders (which remains in bid order and includes the six high bidder winners) after the person who is giving up the prize, as follows:

<li>If the person allocated the prize</li>
<li>has already won this type of prize or a better type of prize</li>
<li>does not want this type of prize, or</li>
<li>is a person who relinquished a prize under condition 5 or 6 then they are skipped and the prize is re-allocated to the person after them.</li>
<li>If the person who is allocated the prize has won a prize but this one is better and they want it, they will win this prize instead and their original prize will be allocated to the next person after them.</li>
<li>For these purposes, the cab ride is better than the working shifts which are better than the tours.</li>
<li>This process is repeated until all the prizes are allocated.</li>
For determining "the next person", the person at the top of the list comes immediately after the person at the bottom.

The new winners will be notified after which condition 5 will apply and the prize re-allocated again.