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Strathfield and Moss Vale Preview

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For a couple of months only, buy Strathfield and Moss Vale together for a specially discounted price. This price reflects the fact that more work is required on both sims and can be considered an investment to completion of the full products. Both are, however, virtually there and are definitely playable. We are also expecting a lot of feedback which may alter our approach to certain things - these are very different to the UK. The sims are only available as a multipack at this stage.

Within three months, perhaps earlier, both sims will be complete and the price will be adjusted upwards to reflect their finished state. They will also be available individually as well as a multipack.

As stated above, the sims are very different from the UK. There are two very good manuals for the sims available and they really are recommended. Moss Vale, in particular, requires certain unexpected actions to be taken in normal working, such as talking trains past certain signals, or requesting train orders. So please, please read the manuals before declaring foul!