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Peterborough 2010 Meet Details

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Peterborough 2010 Meet Details

[Keep this section brief - overview section]


Friday 19th March (pre-meet drinks)
Saturday 20th March (actual meet)


Pre-meet drinks will be at [INSERT PUB HERE] from [INSERT TIME HERE]. You can turn up at any time but beware that we may have moved elsewhere after 8pm. [Contact phone number perhaps?].
Meet starts at 12 noon on the Saturday in [INSERT LOCATION HERE], upstairs. Meeting will continue until around 6pm. You may come and go as you please.
Post-meet dinner will be at [INSERT RESTAURANT(s) HERE] at [INSERT TIME HERE]. Please be punctual as we will be seated together and late arrivals might not be able to be seated close by. [How do we ensure that everybody pays their fair share? In London we were short; in Derby we were slightly over]


Accommodation is at the attendee's own expense and arrangements. Several people are staying at Aragon House (http://www.aragonhouse.co.uk/) but this is not an endorsement and there are others nearby.

[More detailed section]


[INSERT MAP HERE showing location of station, pubs, and Aragon House]

Advance Team

A small number of people will arrive before the event starts to help set up. If you have been asked to help then please arrive promptly and report to the person nominated to you. Generally the help will be to set tables and chairs up appropriately, and distribute location markers so people know where to place their laptops.

If you are not a member of the advance party, please stay downstairs until we are ready for you. This helps us to get the area set up quickly without people being in the way.

[Ideally we want power distribution set up early on, and network hubs/switches/cables if appropriate]

Nominated Persons

[We need volunteers for certain tasks - nerworking, installation, meet&greet]

Meeting Organisation

Attendees bringing laptops may be allocated a particular space and simulation. A set number of spaces will be allocated which will suit the simulation(s) played. Those not allocated a particular space will be able to use a seperate area for this purpose but space cannot be guaranteed.

Those bringing laptops are requested to arrive by 12:30 at the latest to ensure we are ready to go as soon as possible. A nominated person will help set up your laptop including network connectivity.

[Do we need to know about wireless/wired? Can we assume everyone will be able to do wireless and plan on that basis?]

In all cases, please ensure cables, bags, and anything else are kept well out of the way to avoid blocking passageways and to avoid being a trip hazard. For fire regulations there must be a clear passageway of at least one metre. Please see the nominated person if you have any issues - they may have the tools necessary (cable ties, gaffer tape) to meet these rules.

All personal items brought by attendees is entirely at their own risk. Please respect other people's items such as by keeping drinks well away from equipment. Please label your own equipment beforehand, especially cables, 4-way sockets, etc.

Tables and allocated laptops are shown in the floor plan below.


Meeting Mini-Events

Volunteers are requested to help with some issues such as Wiki organisation (could/should it be laid out in a different way?) and website logos. [Perhaps we could have sessions for both starting at a specified time, with an allocated table?]

Food, Drinks, and other expenditures

Whilst there is no administration fee to cover this event, please be aware that you are responsible for all your own food, drink, accomodation, and any other bills incurred. This includes the meet and pre- and post-meet events.

Sunday Events

Occasionally on the day after the meet there is an event organised. Depending on the event, there may be limited numbers of people allowed. In that situation, most places will be allocated by lottery, held at some point during Saturday's meet. A small number of places may be reserved for key SimSig developers where attendance would be beneficial to the improvement or research of a simulation.