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modelling is line clear?

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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 18:42 #11033
251 posts
I've just been informed by Peter Jordan from Exeter West that the "One Train" release is in use between Exeter West and City Basin Junction but this is actually controlled by a track circuit in rear of Exeter West's section signal.
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 18:49 #11035
3635 posts
must be given 3-5 if train is halted or 4-5-5 if it "runs away" through the signal. definetely in use in the green book. i think RSSB is the same as i have been trained to essentially the same block regulations as NR use.
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 18:59 #11036
Late Turn
697 posts
Yes, precisely, so there'd be no benefit to providing presumably non-standard circuits to allow the section signal to be cleared a second time before the train passes the signal - 4-5-5 shouldn't apply in this case (as the section signal has been cleared!), but there's all sorts of reasons why you might want to send 3-5 - often in the course of fairly normal working. Why Exeter West was worked like that, I don't know - many, many boxes have TCs in rear of the section signal, so it's certainly not unusual in that respect!
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 19:04 #11037
3635 posts
4-5-5 is used where 6 bells has been recieved but the box failed to stop the train to warn the advance box.

sorry for the confusion.

in other circumstances (eg train failure) the sig would be replaced and 3-5 sent as you say

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 19:07 #11038
Late Turn
697 posts
Sorry, quite right, thought you were referring to the general use of 4-5-5 rather than the 'immediately and without calling attention' situation!
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 19:13 #11039
1803 posts
I could be mistaken but isn't this thread going off-topic a little?

In an attempt to get back on topic...

Late Turn said:
Looking good, but having gone this far, would it not be desirable to 'properly' replicate block indicators in each direction from each box, rather than just a single coloured dot for the pegging block indicator?

At the top of the previous link I provided to the Wiki article on NEScot AB Working it does say the following;

The Absolute Block (AB) system in North East Scotland is intended for use in multiplayer games only and is meant as a bit of fun. As always it’s a representation of the system and not a faithful reproduction.

Whilst it would perhaps be nice and aesthetically pleasing to see 'proper' AB Working instruments simulated, it may be too complex to implement. As JC92 said...

jc92 said:
i thouroughly agree that a basic block indicator would be more appealing but im not sure how much additional work would be required in terms of programming. bearing in mind the sim is designed for TCB

Personally, I'm quite happy with the current system, the buttons are laid out in the appropriate places and it seems to work absolutely fine so, as that well known saying goes... "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"!


Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 19:16 #11040
251 posts
UKTrainMan said:
the buttons are laid out in the appropriate places and it seems to work absolutely fine so, as that well known saying goes... "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"!

As I said earlier in the thread though, the pegging instrument should be the lower of the two.

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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 19:49 #11041
Late Turn
697 posts
Not really too far off-topic, I don't think - the discussion is around modelling the basic method of signalling used in Absolute Block (of which 'Is Line Clear' forms a necessary part), and the use of 3-5 is very relevant to that.

My original point was that a 'proper' representation of the block instruments should be possible and would give a much more faithful reproduction of reality; my question was whether it'd be worthwhile, depending upon the extent of the additional or amended coding that would be required (which obviously I don't know). It might not be broken, but hopefully everyone's open to discussion of potential improvements, especially given the high levels of realism that Simsig consistently achieves...


(GCR Signalling Instructor)

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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 20:03 #11042
3635 posts
it has occured to me that if were talking about three wire instruments then perhaps three buttons relating to the three pegs on a block instrument which could be depressed could be used? with a repeater set of "buttons" for the other box. and a drop down list of basic bells code commands which sends a message to the box in advance via messages screen? (similar to PC rail AB sims when easy option is selected)

probably quite close and hopefully within the scope of the sim?

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 20:52 #11045
Late Turn
697 posts
See this photo, showing the block instruments set into the panel for the sections towards Ketton and Oakham. Each does indeed consist of three 'pegging' buttons (internally illuminated) and three 'non-pegging' lights on the appropriate lines, with the block bell below. To answer Zoe's point, the pegging 'instrument' is above the non-pegger towards Ketton (left) in this case (though I agree that, in a combined instrument on the block shelf, the pegger would be at the bottom).
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modelling is line clear? 25/08/2010 at 21:00 #11046
251 posts
Late Turn said:
See this photo, showing the block instruments set into the panel for the sections towards Ketton and Oakham. Each does indeed consist of three 'pegging' buttons (internally illuminated) and three 'non-pegging' lights on the appropriate lines, with the block bell below. To answer Zoe's point, the pegging 'instrument' is above the non-pegger towards Ketton (left) in this case (though I agree that, in a combined instrument on the block shelf, the pegger would be at the bottom).

Yes, I was referring to the 1947 GWR instruments still widely in use. I agree that using the style in the photograph above would be a good compromise considering SimSig is an IECC rather than mechanical box simulator.

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modelling is line clear? 27/08/2010 at 20:11 #11073
521 posts

Only just spotted this thread.

I had a large involvement in the AB on NESCOT and I also wrote most of the Wiki page.

All of the block sections are one pull per line clear.

My original idea was to lay it out as it would be on a panel just like the picture above. That does however require 3 indications per line. Peter was concerned about screen clutter so the system that you have now is a compromise.

Zoe, I agree that the pegger should be below, however I think it would have caused more confusion for the average user. As things stand the top indication applies to the highest line, and the bottom indication is for the lower line (therefore it's correct for one of the directions!)

I'd been campaigning for AB controls for many years and I'm very happy that we now have them.


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modelling is line clear? 28/08/2010 at 13:01 #11081
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Yes what you will have on NESCOT is as a result of Kevin prodding me and prodding me and Andrew G then telling me where I'd gone wrong in reality. As I think I've said somewhere what you will have is a representation within the confines of an IECC framework- yes there are other ways of doing it in terms of layout and display but as Kevin says I was concerned about simply cluttering the thing up. In terms of functionality I think I've gone as far as my sanity will let me. There were a couple of times I nearly deleted it in it's entirety so be thankful for Kevin/Andrew and others for keeping me going.

I have no plans to install it on CSCOT partly because of the technicalities of doing the Cowlairs Triangle and partly because it's big enough and busy enough as it is.

I have just got back from holiday and see I have new core-code in my in-box so hopefully the remaining things will be working now so the re-release of the 3 McSims will not be too far off- but please be patient a always.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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