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Use of SimSig font

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Use of SimSig font 08/08/2018 at 19:48 #110841
135 posts
Hey guys,

I'm writing control software for my model railway, and was hoping to make it look and act like an IECC - would it be possible to use the fonts used in SimSig to build the panels? This isn't commercial, only for my own layout.


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Use of SimSig font 09/08/2018 at 11:09 #110853
Peter Bennet
5402 posts
A previous comment on this from Geoff.



I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: danners430
Use of SimSig font 09/08/2018 at 11:17 #110854
135 posts
That's grand Peter - cheers :-) for some reason that post escaped me... Which may have something to do with the time of day I was looking... 🙄

Many thanks guys :-)

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Use of SimSig font 09/08/2018 at 12:49 #110856
72 posts
I started using SimSig to learn more about signalling for the same reason.


I didn't directly use the SimSig font, I created bitmaps for each tile, but it's essentially the same (for now)

Written in Java, digitrax DCC (USB interface), reverse-engineered the required control signals by sniffing loconet when using a hand controller (at the moment still use hand controllers for loco movements, will have a little dialog for that at some point)

Note the layout itself is only about half of one screen, i put surrounding areas in to aid suspension of disbelief (so the same set of coaches with a diff loco on might come around as the next scheduled service, but you still see the previous one on the signalling diagram, a bit of hackery added for the computer to simulate the trains when not in the modelled area.

It basically auto-controls it up to the modelled area where it'll stay on the4 last simulated track circuit until you enter the train, then when the last modelled track circuit is vacated it'll simulate it moving through the rest of the simulated area -- it acts as if the last modelled track circuit is much longer than physically present (enough to contain the whole train off layout) so will remain occupied for a while after the model has left and "look right" on the workstation.

Last edited: 09/08/2018 at 12:54 by sorabain
Reason: None given

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Use of SimSig font 09/08/2018 at 12:52 #110857
135 posts
I'm personally using Visual C# with WPF, and interfacing with my layout using custom control modules based on Microchip PIC microcontrollers - the pc will literally just be an interface, as all the interlocking and control logic will live on my layout in these micros, allowing me to expand my "control" portfolio in the future - already got my eye on a certain few NX panels due to be decommissioned soon...
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Use of SimSig font 09/08/2018 at 14:00 #110859
72 posts
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