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Introductions thread - please say hello!

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 02/09/2018 at 13:39 #111784
1 posts
I'm new to Simsig and so far I'm enjoying it!

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 02/09/2018 at 18:20 #111794
1 posts
Look forward to trying SimSig out!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 03/09/2018 at 18:30 #111835
1 posts

I am a human!!!

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 04/09/2018 at 11:34 #111845
1 posts
Hello everyone ! feels good to join this group of game !
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Hello! I'm a new user here! 04/09/2018 at 12:20 #111846
1 posts
I'll start immediately. I'm interested in different CTC systems and railway simulations.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 04/09/2018 at 16:15 #111852
1 posts
Hi. Not a robot just yet.
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New SimSig user: D 04/09/2018 at 18:48 #111857
1 posts
Я не робот, а человек! Новичек в SimSig! Мне очень нравится этот проект и хочу попробогвать себя в роли Моделера :D
I'm not a robot, but a man! New to SimSig! I really like this project and I want to try myself in the role of Modeler: D
( Suddenly, forgive me. Google translation )
Я из Украины!
I'm from Ukraine!

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Introductions thread. 05/09/2018 at 15:05 #111875
1 posts
Hello Evryone! Excited to be part of the community!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 06/09/2018 at 16:53 #111936
1 posts
Hello, Lets try Simsig
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 07/09/2018 at 23:04 #111986
1 posts
Hello and glad I found this simulator again.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 08/09/2018 at 01:51 #111989
1 posts
hi there i'm just a trainspotter who likes signal systems
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 08/09/2018 at 14:22 #111993
1 posts
new to SimSig

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 08/09/2018 at 20:28 #112001
1 posts
Very new to this, starting as an apprentice signaller in the next few weeks!

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 09/09/2018 at 09:07 #112009
4 posts
Hello. Friends. I'm from Repulic of Korea. Nice to meet you. I want to play SimSig because I'm now leaning about Railway in University. Thank you.
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Hi 09/09/2018 at 09:10 #112010
4 posts
Hi. Do you know PSY? Gangnam Style? If you don't know It's Okay because I know Muse. LOL
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Hello! 09/09/2018 at 09:20 #112012
4 posts
Hello. New to Simsig. How do you do.
Last edited: 09/09/2018 at 13:15 by headshot119
Reason: None given

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Hello Simsigs! 09/09/2018 at 09:23 #112014
1 posts
hello everybody!
i'm newbie in train genre
oh i cant speak eng well TT
nice to meet u

Last edited: 09/09/2018 at 13:15 by headshot119
Reason: None given

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 09/09/2018 at 15:04 #112022
Bob Fossil
1 posts
Hullo, new to the SimSig, just wondering if the genre has changed much since the RTC days!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 09/09/2018 at 21:12 #112025
1 posts
Evening all - Dave M0WDG here, just downloaded to see what it was all about.

I play Train Simulator and figured I would give the Signaling side a try as well!


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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 10/09/2018 at 02:59 #112027
8 posts
Hello, my name is Bill Leahy. I live outside of Atlanta, Georgia in the United States.
You may not know this but the original name of Atlanta was Terminus because it was the starting point for a railroad built to connect Georgia with the mid west of the United States.
I am a retired Computer Science teacher having taught at Georgia Tech.
I have a small HO layout.
I am the president of a live steam model railroad club called the North Georgia Live Steamers. We have 35 acre site with over a mile of 1/8 scale track. We operate a number of real steam engines as well as electric and diesel locomotives. http://www.northgeorgialivesteamers.org/
I have owned and enjoyed MSTS, Trainz, TrainSim, Run8 as well as few other railroad simulation.
I have a number of railroad board games like Dispatcher and Ticket to Ride.
I was reading the article on Train Simulators when I came across an reference to SimSig and now here I am.

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The following user said thank you: AndyG
Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 10/09/2018 at 15:47 #112041
Robert Gauld
1 posts
Steamer in post 93178 said:
Welcome to SimSig! Please feel free to introduce yourself/prove you're not a robot by replying below.

Get started by downloading the System Files here, and take a look at the Wiki, in particular the installation guide. You can find a list of simulations here- we recommend Royston to start with, but it's entirely up to you.

Feel free to ask questions/make comments by starting a thread in the appropriate section of the Forum (please keep this thread for introductions only).

Please be aware that your first post will be approved by a moderator, so won't appear immediately.

Hi, so it seams I've failed the human test as I can't figure out how to post a message without replying to a previous one.

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 10/09/2018 at 21:19 #112047
1832 posts
Robert Gauld in post 112041 said:

Hi, so it seams I've failed the human test as I can't figure out how to post a message without replying to a previous one.
Just click on the 'Forum' button to the right of the SimSig logo at the top of the Home page and you'll see an option to start a new thread.


Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
Last edited: 10/09/2018 at 21:20 by bugsy
Reason: None given

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 10/09/2018 at 22:05 #112054
1 posts
Hi there, Played a few games years ago, fancied returning to play a few more , Many more simulations than when i last enjoyed them!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 12/09/2018 at 17:13 #112115
1 posts
Greetings all. Rail worker here (and long time signaller wannabe) only just heard about this so I thought I'd give it a go! How hard can it be...?
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Hello, I am a human 12/09/2018 at 20:04 #112121
1 posts
Hello, I am a human
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