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Failures 21/09/2018 at 20:30 #112259
1 posts
Hi. I have been reading the wiki on how the three main failures work and am confused. I know how they affect the line, but I do not know how to fix them. Can someone please help? Does someone start working on the issue automatically? Can I run trains through the area while someone is working on a signal or track circuit failure? Please try to include point, lamp, and track circuit failures. Please do not send me to the wiki.
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Failures 21/09/2018 at 20:45 #112261
4870 posts
You can continue to run trains in the simulation.

They will be fixed automatically after a random amount of time.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: cpc20
Failures 22/09/2018 at 14:07 #112272
5 posts
If failures are making your sim too hectic for you to have a good time then you can access F11 menu. From there you can fix any problems you have.
For points you make sure the Normal and Reverse detections are ticked and the Hand Crank is on Auto.
For signal failures you just need to make sure that Lamp Proving is ticked.
Track sections can be a bit trickier if they are in an awkward spot but mostly it is simply a case of clicking the affected circuit and then clicking Unoccupy.

To run a train through an occupied section you need to authorise it to pass protecting signal at danger and examine the line. More often than not it will affect the train description and they will come out the other end as "xxxx". Simply interpose the train number on the next working signal before you send them through the occupied section and they will sort themselves out on the other side. Just remember to cancel the train description on the other side of the problem.
Do make sure the points are set for the right route or the train will stop and wont move as points are set against the train.

To fix this AND point failures you can select the points in question using the F11 menu and then use the hand crank option to set the points how you need them to be. Either normal or reverse.
To run trains in degraded conditions you should access F3 menu and under display make sure the "Show points position" is ticked so you can see what the points are doing.

To identify problem items you can click the symbol that looks like a mouse above the list in the F11 menu and then click the item (point, signal, etc) in the sim and it will highlight that item in the list. But usually the problem items generated randomly are highlighted in pink on the list.

I would strongly suggest running a sim with no timetable for a bit and just playing around with occupying track circuits and manually winding points to get an idea of how it works before attempting it in traffic.

Hope this helps.

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